Chapter 5 - A Revelation

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This is practically a filler too, but the next chapter shouldn't take to long to upload. Thanks guys. Mwaa x

Chapter 5 - A Revelation

A few hours passed, and we were still sitting, gossiping on Amelia’s couch. Listening to a song by Body Rock (Info at bottom). I had filled her in on all the previous events that had occurred with Matt, and she told me that he obviously wasn’t worth it, and that she ‘knew there was something strange about him’ obviously she was just trying to make me feel better, because she was the one persisting for us to go on a date.

"I'm going out with Mascaro... I mean that's what everybody calls him, but I've got my own nickname for him," Amelia smiled. I saw that happiness filled her eyes, but I didn't understand anything. My mind was picking at what she had just said.


"Err, I noticed that you said 'him'..." she stared at me as if I was stupid.

"Well, duh. What else am I supposed to call someone who's a man?"

"Okay... So who is this guy? Have I met him?" then it clicked. I gasped, clasping my hand over my mouth. "Oh sweet Jesus, Amelia. I'm so sorry!" she scrunched her eyebrows together, showing she didn't have a clue what I was on about. That only made me feel worse for having to be the one to tell her, before she really got hurt. "He's sleeping with someone else," I held my breath.

Amelia's eyes widened, her mouth forming an small 'o' of comprehension as she took in what I just said.

"He's sleeping with Mascaro. That woman - or rather girl - you ordered me to give that envelope to an-"

“Holl-up, holl-up!!” she waved her hands, and shook her head, “You think that Mascaro is that whore that always wears the un-required, expensive clothing that looks like it’s two or more sizes too small for her?” by this time she was gaping at me.

I shrugged, “Well, yeah. She is the one that took the envelope, so I thought it had to be her, seeing as she was all bossy and shit,”

“YOU GAVE THAT BITCH THE ENVELOPE!” Amelia screeched and started pacing around the room. “Dude, the only connection that girl has with Mascaro is that she’s his cousins lover. Ergh,” she scrunches her face in disgust, “I can’t believe he’s still with her. She’s more of a gold digger than the last.” I stare at her, completely dumbfounded.

“So in actual fact Mascaro is....?” She sits back down and takes my hands in her own.

“Sweetie,” she smiles, “ Mascaro is my new boyfriend. His full name is Joshua Mascaro, and his cousin is.. Well I don’t actually know his first name, seeing as I haven’t met him in person. But everybody calls him Marcello - Mr. Marcello.” She states matter of fact-ly.

All this information caused me to blink a few times over. Then I squealed. “ OH MY GOODNESS! You have a boyfriend. That is fantastic! Now, fill me in, I’ve had my turn. I want to know all. Is he treating you right? How tall is he? Does he smell nice?” I was jumping up and down on the sofa, while Amelia just sat there laughing.

“Yes, yes, I’ll tell you. But can you please calm yourself and sit down before I get complaints from the ‘angry birds’ down, under,” she smirked at me. I dropped to the sofa, sprawled out in all directions and then decided to ask the most important question.

“Is he anything like Keith? What do you actually know about this guy? And how long have you known him?”

____ **** _______ ****** ____________ ****** _______ *** ____ ****** _______

So in the end I found out that this guy was - and I quote my own words - “The BOMB”. I could really see the difference that Josh Mascaro was making on my best friend. She was happy, therefore I was happy. He seemed like a pretty nice guy; smell, height, personality and all. But I still had to see this to be sure. You can never be too safe. From what I just experienced, there has to be at least three different views on the person in question: the one attached, and then the two ‘outsider’ - if you may.

“He’s sooo amazing. I really don’t know how to explain it to you Scar. Every time I’m with him I feel complete,”

‘Yeah, that’s how I felt with Matt. Look where that got me’

 “His smile causes my heart to flutter and literally lights up the whole room. I know I haven't known him for that long, but I can really say that he’s caused my whole life to shift upwards.” I sighed, smiling for her. 

‘Matt never made your heart flutter. Remember the first time you saw him; when he smiled. All his yellow teeth were on show. Ergh!’ I thought to my self, whilst unconsciously scoffing in the process.

Amelia looked at me, “What?”

“Sorry, I just imagined the first time Matt smiled and showed his ugly-ass teeth.” She burst out laughing at my observation. It didn’t take long for me to join her. Her laugh was almost contagious.

“And. The way. He. Kept. Scratching his. Nose!” she gasped between breaths while clutching her sides.

“Yeah!” I chuckled, “Because he was nervous. Can you imagine? I mean, who in their right mind... Scratches. Their. Nose. When. Nervous?” Now I was literally on the floor, bowing. It felt so good to have a laugh. To not take things seriously for a while. It felt good to not have to feel sad every time I thought of the bastard.

After our fifteen minute long recital of the past. I ended up practically begging Amelia to let me meet the almighty ‘Mr Mascaro’ ASAP. She agreed as she also wanted to check that he was the one that got the envelope, and that the slut didn’t read it.

So now I have half of my day - which I decided not to stay cooped up at home during - occupied with the exciting event of having late lunch with mystery man.  ‘YAY!’

‘Hmm, I wonder if I’ll meet anymore interesting people... Maybe a particular whore-a-like and her lover?..


Here's the link to the song the Girls were listeining to:

Mann by Body Rock ft. Audio Push

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