Chapter 4 - A Long Postponement

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Just a filler guys. Hope it ok though.

Chapter 4 - A Long Postponement

"Sooo... Did you do it?" Amelia asked while flinging the door open before I even got the chance to lift my hand to knock. I looked at her with annoyance, and stepped forward to get through the door.

That was before she stopped me with her arm. "Nah-uh. Damn, did Fillipé not say that I wouldn't let you in unless you delivered the package? Argh, I'm gonna kill that guy! He should know by now how serious I am about these things..."


"Don't worry, he told me, and -"

"Ooo!!" she squealed, "So you did convey what he gave you?!" she looked up at me with her light green eyes.

I rolled my eyes and frowned, " Why don't you just call it an envelope? That's what it is, and I can clearly tell it was your handwriting on it," she blushed and lowered her arm.

"Fine. So if you know it's an 'envelope'..."

"Yes, I 'conveyed' it just like you said. Jeez, what's the big deal anyways??" I followed Amelia into the kitchen after shutting the door behind me. Something fishing was going on. 'Hmmm.'

"You don't like him then?" she asked, a hint of sadness in her voice. I scanned my brain, trying to figure out who she was talking about.

"If you mean Fillipé, then GOD NO!! And if you mean that bulky, ogre guy, then GOD FORBID!!" I waved my hands in the air to emphasize my feelings. "There is something really wrong with that bodyguard, or whatever he is to that woman." I paused, "While on the subject, what the hell is up with her? She acts like a right stuck up, bitch." Amelia started to giggle.

"Oh, so you met her?"

"How could I not; she caught my attention from the ten seconds after I entered the lobby! There is seriously something wrong with her, dude." I cursed under my breath, 'I'm judging again' I berated.

"Yeah, she's something isn't she," opening the fridge, Amelia took out two wine bottles. "White or red?" she asked. I smiled at her as I noticed the glint in her eyes.

"Well, seeing as the white is a Pouilly Fumé, how could I object. I haven't had that beauty since the first time I bought it. I truly miss it," I replied, licking my lips while a smirk formed on them. Amelia laughed and replaced the red wine with a bottle of sprite.

"And just so you know, it's a vintage. 1989 to be precise," I sucked in an over exaggerated breath and held my hand to my heart, which caused her to laugh more. "Have you ever had sprite with wine? It's really delish!" I looked at her with an 'are-you-kidding-me' expression. "What?? I experimented," she shrugged. "There wasn't enough wine so I mixed. Gosh," she pouted. Now it was my turn to burst out laughing.

"Are you for real? You Amelia Jackson, daughter of Leonardo Jackson, ran out of wine; which - let me tell you from the much nagging you keep giving me - can easily be ordered from the wine cellar?!" I paused, analyzing her face which had turned bright pink, "...Instead you used Sprite as a substitute!" I must admit, that came out as more of a statement than a question, but I would've thought that was more my thing to do than Amelia's. She must have been in a hurry... Or maybe her schedule was so tight she couldn't find the time to order room service... Or- 'Yeah right! You know better than that' my subconscious scolded, 'this girl was with someone.'

"Yeah, well," she muttered as I dragged her to the couch, searching her eyes.

"Come on, spit it out already. You've been stalling since the time I answered your first question,"

"Well... I guess you being my best friend should result in you being the first person I tell... But I don't want you to be like 'I told you so' if something goes wrong."

I laughed, "Thanks for noticing I'm you best friend, lol," she gave me 'I'm serious' look and took a deep breath.

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