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Fire. Blood. A knife. And my close friend reaching out to me, wanting to help me but, a man was dragging him away from me.

"" Were my last words before part of the burning building had fallen onto me.

" Sixteen stabs wounds around the abdomen, burns found all over the building and lost of eye-sight." I hear a female voice say.

What? Where am I? Am I dead? Why does the woman sound like a nurse?

" I'll see what I can do. From this day forward, he will be known as Wynter Shade, the fifteenth reaper."

I lose consciousness.

" Oww..." I wake up with a splitting headache. I open my eyes and see that I can't see anything.

" Why can't I see?" I say, in a weak voice.

" Don't worry. I'm working on making a pair of glasses for you." I hear a man say to me.

I turn around but, it was no use. It was as if thick fog is covering my eyes.

" W-who are you?" I ask.

" I'm Zenith. The first reaper. You are dead." He says.

" I guessed that but..."

" You are now given the chance to live again. But, as a reaper." He says.

" The reapers that take souls?" I ask.

" Exactly." He replies.

" I'm going to assign you a few jobs. By the time you're down with those, I'm hoping you glasses will be ready." Zenith adds.

" So..what do I because I can't see?"

" You'll have to find a way."

{Many months later}

" Now that since you've finished those jobs and that your glasses have been completed, you may go wherever you want. But, I'll still assign you jobs." Zenith says to me.

" Good enough." I say.

" I wonder if this is where he is." I read the sign that says Radiant.

Radiant is a home for assassins run by a man named Titan. There were three separate buildings. I go the one story building on the rights since it had the sign that said " Offices." I open the door to see a tan colored carpet and walls.

Hm. It's a good thing that they keep it simple.

" Um.. Is Titan here?" I ask as I enter the building.

" Yes. Are you new?" A tall boy says to me but, judging by the voice, he was actually a she.

" I guess. I'm actually looking for someone." I say to her.

" Name?" She asks.

" Um... Connor Raventhorn."

" Oh. You're right. He does work here. Are you interested in joining Radiant?"

" I am." I say.

" Good. Unfortunately Titan will not be In the office this week but, I fill out the paperwork for you."

" By the way, what's your name?" I ask her.

She turns to me.

"My real name is Ryland Lukeen but, when you're here, you'll call me by the name of Storm Walker." She says.

" Alright Storm." I say.

I stare at the door. So this is his room....

I hesitantly knock on his door.

The door opens.

A boy with black hair, dark blue eyes and pale skin. He's known for wearing thick black eye-liner and a black choker with three feathers attached to the bottom of it.

" Wynter?" He whispers. Also keep in mind that it's 12:00 at night.

"'s been a long time." I say. He hugs me tightly.

" And I thought you would never return...but, it's my fault you died in the first place." He whispers.

" No. You would've never known that was going to happen. The one to blame is that man." I say.

" Good thing he's dead."

" How'd he die?" My eyes widen.

" Storm threw him in a volcano."

" Oh man...Wish I would've seen it." I say.

" I heard Fang starting hanging out with you." I say.

" How do you know about Fang?" He asks me.

" I'm...also a reaper. The 15th!" I say.

" Oh...about that..." He points into his room, to his bed to see Fang sleeping on his bed.

" Oh...have you-"

" No. Our..."relationship" hasn't escalated that much. Just hugging and that." He says.

" Oh...ok then..... Today I decided to join Radiant."

" Sweet. We could work on assignments and talk like we used to." He says.

I smile.

I sit in my room, enjoying my book and the silence.

" Hmmm.." This story is about a little girl lost in a forest with her friend and the forest has been taken over by moving stone statues.

I hear the door open and see a boy with amber hair and emerald green eyes.

" Who are you?" I ask, sad and mad that I was interrupted from my book.

" Yukio Battleblood."

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