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He let out a strangled cough and a low groan. He didn't know where he was or how he got there, just that his head was pounding and there was something trickling down his neck. He sat up as much as he could despite his left leg being completely pinned by something heavy which is when he started to notice the sharp pain in his knee when his armour was being crushed.

He coughed again before tapping his helmet, "h-hey J? You there buddy?" The response he got wasn't very promising. Static with a side of fritz to let him know that whatever collapsed on top of him destroyed his multimillion dollar suit. "Dammit." He peeled the helmet off his head and depended on the dim light coming from the arc reactor to take in his surroundings.

All he saw was rubble on top of more rubble and felt great relief for whatever was holding that massive slab of concrete up. He couldn't remember what had happened for the life of him until he saw a parking garage sign. He vaguely remembers a fight and people screaming, but he couldn't think of why he was in a parking garage if all that was going on.

As he scanned the rest of what he could see, it all came together when he saw a gloved hand limply hanging from beneath a large piece of concrete. "Steve!"

It all came back to him, they'd been fighting their fight when tony noticed steve chasing after some asshole running into the parking garage with a hostage. Jarvis spit out some scans of the structure showing that it was set up with explosives but steves comms were already static.

He flew in after him as quickly as possible to get him out but by the time he'd reached the bottom floor the whole place shook. The last thing he remembers is steve pushing him out of the way of a falling heap of concrete then everything went black.

He scrambled to try to stand, "steve!" Not even a twitch. "Damn it, damn it, come on!" He shouted as he tried to push the beam off of his leg. His suit was completely down, at this point he was just covered in a hunk of useless metal. "Damned suit..." he growled and desperately looked around him for anything to get some leverage over this beam.

He spotted a long pipe five feet away from him and grunted as he struggled to reach for it. "Come on..." he growled as his fingers grazed the edge of it. He pushed himself an inch further and managed to wrap his fingers around the end. He shoved it beneath the beam and pushed up on the other end. A loud scream erupted from him as it lifted off of him.

He pulled his leg out from under it as quickly as he could and stumbled to his feet. He ignored the pain in his leg, "steve, steve come on." He grumbled and fell to his knees. He grabbed steves wrist and felt for a pulse, luckily there was one but it was barely palpable.

Be stood back up and grabbed his keys out of his pocket and turned on the small flashlight on the keychain he looked over the slab crushing him and spotted steves face peeled out on the other side, "steve, hey! Hey steve," he patted his cheek but didn't get a response. He hovered his hand over his nose and mouth but no gush of air passed his lips.

"Dammit steve come on!" He backed up again and tried to lift it up but it only budged and inch before his knee gave out. He got back to his feet and repositioned at the edge of the slab and let out a gut wrenching scream as he tried to pull it off of him. Tears came to his eyes and he pushed through the pain until the whole block slid off of him.

He fell to the ground with it but immediately scrambled to his feet, "steve!" He stumbled to where he lay unconscious in front of him and patted his cheeks again, still nothing, "come on him, you gotta wake up," he shook him but when he didn't respond he pinched his nose and pressed his lips against his and forced air into his lungs.

Luckily steve sputtered awake and gasped for air after he did so, "it's ok, oh thank god, hey steve look at me," he gently cupped his cheeks and wiped away a stray tear that was running down his cheek, "steve, honey, look at me!" He shouted and steve could finally open his eyes, "there are those baby blue I love" he smiled gratefully.

"T-Tony.. are are you okay?" Steve stuttered out and tried to move but quickly realized he was still pinned down.

Down let out a forced laugh and shifted his weight onto his right leg, he let out a wince, "yeah, yeah I'm fine don't worry."

Despite how dark it was steve still noticed the discomfort on tony face and in his voice, "no you're not, tony, you're hurt."

"Says you" he let out a bit of a laugh and shined his flashlight to steves extremities. He could see that his left arm still had the shield strapped to it but was bent unnaturally at the elbow from the crushing weight on the shield. "Well I think you're arm is broken" tony said wittily.

Steve let out a soft laugh, "yeah I can feel that". Tony tried to move it the slightest bit but steve gripped onto his shoulder in pain and winced.

"Sorry," he grabbed his hand gently then reached into steves belt for his pocketknife, "but I think I can get your arm out if I cut the straps of your shield." He leaned over and started cutting through the leather of both straps. "This is gonna hurt."

Steve stared up at him in pain and nodded, "I know."

Tony nodded back and grabbed his broken arm gently, "okay, I'm sorry for this." He said before quietly and gently sliding his arm out from under his shield and all the rubble. Steve tried to bite back his screams but the pain became unbearable when tony twisted his arm back into position and laid it gently over his stomach. "Okay, okay I'm done it's done"

Steve let out a few more strangled sobs before taking in some raspy breaths. "You idiot." Tony said sternly.

Steve looked at him and sighed. "I know, tony."

"I mean, you ran in here without telling anyone or having me scan the structure. You of all people know these dumdums love blowing shit up." He sat down on a piece of concrete and slapped his hand down on his thigh.

Steve sighed and rolled his head to the side, "he took a civilian... and I didn't think he'd kill himself to get to me."

"You could've been killed." Tony said sternly and leaned forward.

He sighed and grabbed tonys hand, "well we're not out of this mess yet." He started coughing violently and winced between every jolt racking through his chest.

"Okay, okay, let it out," tony moved forward and tried to help, but there isn't much he can do until they get out of there. He noticed something splotchy spilling out of his mouth as he coughed but was too dark to tell. So he tore his shirt open to get as much light as possible from the reactor.

"Fuck." Is all tony said when he noticed all of the blood. "We need to get you out of here."

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