Call Out

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"What planet is this guy from again" a firefighter with the name Cruz slapped across the back of his jacket.

"Asgard." Thor rumbled as he lifted a huge block of concrete and tossed it aside as if it were a mere pebble.

"Can we keep him?" Cruz asked another named Severide. "Cruz, shut up and keep digging" he let out a chuckle.

"What's with that guy?" Clint turned to Hermann walking towards them with a group of them behind him. He threw a chunk of rubble aside and grabbed the next from another firefighter in line.

"Who? Hermann?" Cruz asked. He chuckled and waived his hand, "he's just the grumpiest optimist you'll ever meet." The structure shook beneath their feet and they all held onto whatever they could.

After it settled Clint noticed an entry into the structure. He pushed severide aside and stuck his head in, "steve! Tony! Can anybody hear me!?" After no response he got ready to climb in but severide pulled him back.

"Let go of me!"

"No! You guys do all the fighting you're trained for that but we are! Get your ass back up there and let us do our job!"

"My friends—!"

"Clint!" Natasha shouted from above and he turned his head, "come on. Pepper and happy are here with some tech that might help."

Clint looked back at severide sternly who made it very clear that he's not going down there. He let go of clints suit and nudge him back up.

"Man these guys are tough" Cruz remarked and severide scoffed.

"Ballsy... okay get strapped up you're coming down with me." Cruz nodded.

"Wait!" Bruce shouted down at them and slowly climbed down to where they are with a suit case in hand. He clicked it open while both men sat by impatiently. "Meet Friday," he removed a pair of glasses and handed them to severide, who looked unimpressed and handed them back off to Cruz. "She'll show you scans of the structure and indicate the unstable points you're passing and any heat signatures down there"

Severide had already climbed in as Cruz slid them on and looked around in awe.  Bruce grabbed his wrist before he crawled in, "if you break them and tonys... alive." He paused, "he'll probably kill you."

Cruz nodded nervously and climbed in.


"—ony...tony...Tony wake up!" He grunted as consciousness came back to him and squeezed his eyes shut tightly against the concussion.

He sat up slowly and pushed some of the fallen rubble off of him. "Tony I can't see you, say something please" steve said weakly.

"I'm okay" tony grumbled and shook his head before opening his eyes. He rolled to his hands and knees and stood up slowly, no letting go of the ledge he was balancing himself on. He leaned over to where steve was and sat down on the ledge steve was pinned down on. "I told you no sleeping" he huffed out and grabbed his hand.

He pushed some rubble that landed on and around steve, " 'm sorry" he replied.

There was a moment of silence before steve spoke again, "listen tony," he paused and blinked away some tears glistening in his eyes, "if-if I don't make it —"

"No, no, don't you go there" tony shook his head "like you said, the team is coming alright? You're going to be fine." Steve opened his mouth to speak again but tony cut him off "we're going to get you outta here and you'll be good as new and ready to fight in no time okay?"

"But tony—"

"O-Kay?" He said more sternly. Steve nodded hesitantly, "good" tony leaned over and planted a kiss on his forehead. "You're going to be fine." He whispered again and sat down off of the slab of concrete and leaned back. Not ever letting go of steves hand. 

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