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Clint walked back carrying a tray full of coffees with a container of homemade cookies and snuck back into tonys room. "Anything yet?" He asked quietly and shut the door behind him.

Bruce shook his head, "doctor came in to check on tony but he didn't know anything about steves condition." Clint sighed and handed the coffees out to everyone. "Where did those come from." He pointed to the container of cookies.

Clint smiled slightly and tossed them onto a table beside him, "firefighters are all gathered in the waiting room. One of their wives insisted I take them."

"They're all there?" Natasha asked quietly and grabbed one.

Clint nodded, "entire station won't leave until they know steves ok I guess." He sat down on the couch next to natasha.

"They know they don't have to stay right?" Bruce asked and bit into one of the cookies.

"Yeah" Clint exhaled loudly and slouched into the couch, "said they always stick around when they have to amputate someone's leg in the field like that." Clint rested his head back and stared at the ceiling. No one said anything else, Clint shut his eyes and was just grateful he wasn't down there to watch.


About half an hour passed and tony finally came to. He squinted against the dimmed lights in the room and rolled his head to the side. He groaned and opened his eyes into slits. Now that he was out of that pit, the pounding in his head couldn't go unnoticed.

"How're you feeling?" Bruce asked and folded his newspaper neatly and set it onto the table beside him.

"Where's steve?" Tony grumbled and tried to sit up but Bruce was quick to walk over to his bed and gently push him back down. "He's in surgery, you've been out for a few hours." Bruce responded and pulled his chair closer.

Tonys face scrunched together in pain and sadness, "tony, if he's still in surgery it means he's still alive" Bruce assured him softly. Tony took in a few deep breaths and looked around the room, the other three were all asleep. Bruce stood up and poured some water into a plastic cup before returning to his seat and handing tony the cup.

Tony took a few sips before giving the cup back, "tell me it was all just a bad dream." He stared at the ceiling, "that they didn't actually cut off his leg" he turned his head and stared at Bruce.

"Tony..." he said pitifully but was interrupted when a doctor walked in with a surgical cap on. The others woke up when the door shut behind him. "Is he okay?" Tony asked and sat up.

The doctor scratched his head, "he's still in surgery, but there's a lot of internal damage that needs to be repaired. He's stable and the worst of it is over. Doctor Halstead wanted me to come out and make sure you guys knew that."

Natasha stood up, "so he's going to be okay?"

The doctor nodded, "he is. Doctors Halstead and Rhodes will come let you guys know when he's out."

Tony let out a loud sigh and fell back on his bed. "Thank you." Bruce said with a small smile on his face. The doctor let himself out and Clint stood up by Natasha and gave her a hug.


Happy and pepper showed up not too long after with an army or masked agents and fury close behind. They all walked past the firefighters sitting in the waiting room. Happy and Pepper didn't look or say a word to any of them, just rushed by with a nurse leading them to tonys room with the agents following them closely.

Fury however slowed down when he walked by in his all black outfit and dark shades. He stopped before he walked through the double doors and turned back at them. "Firehouse 51?" He asked and walked up to them.

"Yes sir" the chief answered and stood up. "Chief Boden" he reached out his hand but fury ignored it.

"Thank you, but you guys can go on home now." He turned back around and started walking towards the doors.

Casey stood up, "we just want to make sure captain Rogers is doing all right." Fury turned back around swiftly and took his sunglasses off. He took a few steps forward and looked back up at him. "We got that from here." He said in a low voice and waited for them to all stand up to slide his sunglasses back on and walk away.

"The hell is wrong with that guy?" Otis asked as they loaded onto the elevator.

"What do you expect? They're some of the most dangerous people on earth." Casey answered and Otis scoffed.

"Okay but we did pull their asses out of that mess."

"Otis" Casey rolled his eyes.


Fury entered tonys room and spoke up, "whole floor is now on lockdown. Hand picked—" Natasha slapped fury's arm and pointed to tony asleep in the middle of the room. He reopened the door and motioned for everyone to go into the hallway.

Happy closed the door behind them, "okay, hand picked staff were assigned to this floor and they're preparing the room next to starks for steve instead of putting him in the ICU."

"Do you know when he's getting out?" Natasha asked.

"I just got word that they're wrapping up and he should be out within the hour." He looked around at every single one of them. "I need reports from all of you. The council is breathing down my neck about how and why this all came to the point that Rogers had to have his leg hacked off."

Thor shifted uncomfortably at his words and looked away, he didn't need to be reminded about how he had to watch and hold his friend down while some strangers took a saw to his bone.

"You already know what happened." Clint raised his voice, "he followed a civilian being held by one of those assholes into that garage and they blew it up!"

"I know that." Fury growled, "and I already told them to shove it up their ass, but the whole country got footage of the explosion and steve being extracted from that damn pile of shit!" Thor turned around and walked away, nobody bothered to go after him knowing full well that watching and holding him down wasn't easy.

"I need those reports by the morning." He said and walked away.

Bruce paced for a minute before stopping and whipping a cup of pens across the room. Usually he can stay calm. They all get hurt, too often, but not like this. He could feel his heart rate speeding up so he out his head between his knees and tried to breathe.

"Bruce." Natasha said sternly and rubbed his back comfortingly. "Bruce you gotta calm down." She noticed his veins popping out of his skin in a green tint.

"I can't..." he growled and ran after Thor. The others followed at a safe distancing and shouted at people to get out of the way. He finally spotted him on the balcony and shouted, "get me out of here!" He roared and he reacted immediately.

Mjolnir sped into his hand and he grabbed banner by the arm. The others ran out onto the balcony after them and watched as hulk was smashed into Lake Michigan with Thor.

"This isn't good." Clint mumbled.

"No, no it isn't, come on." She ran back through the hallways and swiped happy's keys for the Audi. "Call me if anything happens!" She yelled and sprinted out of the room before happy or pepper could say anything.


Thor eventually managed to knock out the hulk without ever reaching shore. Luckily no civilians were close to being hurt. Bruce was still out when Thor dragged him out of the water. Natasha and Clint were waiting in hoodies and sunglasses when he got to shore.

"He's out" Thor growled with Bruce slung over his shoulder. He followed Clint and Nat back to the car and sat him down in the back seat. As soon as they were all buckled in natashas phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and panic rose in her chest, "it's happy." She hesitated before accepting the call and bringing it up to her ear, "please give me some good news." Everyone in the car was quiet waiting to find out what happy had to say. She let out a deep breath and smiled, "great, great. Thanks happy, we'll be right there."

She hung up and sunk into her seat, "steves out of surgery." Everyone let out a sigh of relief, except for well, Bruce who was still unconscious.

Thor smiled for a split second, but to be honest, he was terrified to face his friend again.

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