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Thor felt a little more at peace now that steve had woken up, as brief as it was, he was a little relieved. He tried not to, but he eventually curled up in his chair and fell asleep.

He woke up again just a few hours later when someone tossed an empty coffee cup directly at his head, follow by a mumbled, "stoooop! Stop. Snoring." Thor picked up the cup and tossed it at who'd turned out to be Clint curled up on the couch with his face shoved under a pillow. He threw it back at him, "you could ask nicely next time." He grumbled.

Clint furiously pushed the pillow off his head and rubbed his forehead in frustration, he sighed loudly and sat back up with a grunt. "I'm going to stretch my legs." He pouted and winced as he stood up. Man that couch was doing wonders for his back.

"Come back when you're less grumpy, old man." Natasha said as she rolled over to her other side on the couch and Clint cursed at himself internally. He should've at least tried not to wake her. He glanced at Bruce and tony and determined that they barely even shuffled in their sleep. He also realized that pepper had left. "Where's pepper?" He whispered to Thor, who was grabbing a blanket for himself.

All he did was sharing his shoulders. "Happy took her to the hotel." Natasha grumbled from under all of her covers, "now will you shut the fuck up and let me sleep?"

Clint smiled regretfully and laid his blanket on top of hers, which she cozied up to quickly, "sorry," he whispered again, "call me if—"

"I know" she said before he could even finish. With that he stood back up straight and stretched out his back as he walked to the door.

He'd pulled his hoodie back up over his head and had his dark sunglasses over his face. He took a deep breath after his first step outside and hoped nobody would recognize him from the tv footage that was currently going viral. Luckily, no one so much as looked at him.


Clint had only walked around a few blocks to stretch his legs and stopped at a coffee shop on his way back. When he made it back to the room with the five cups of hot coffee and a bag full of breakfast sandwiches, the smell basically resuscitated Natasha from her deep sleep.

Clint chuckled at the sight of her ruffled hair and wrinkled clothes and handed her a cup, "well, you look great." He said sarcastically and set the bag of food next to her.

"Shut up." She grumbled and took a long sip of the coffee, completely ignoring how it's burned her tongue.

Clint checked his watched and saw that it was around 9 am so he walked around the room and woke everyone up, "come on, you guys need to eat." He handed an cup and wrapped sandwich to each of them, but tony was a whole lot more stubborn trying to wake up. He groaned a shuffled around, "you know Im concussed right?" He growled without opening his eyes.

"Doesn't that mean you shouldn't be sleeping?" Clint retorted. Tony still didn't budge, so he nudged him again and held the coffee directly under his nose, "cmon, Stark, I got you're favourite breakfast." He opened his eyes slowly and tossed the blanket down to his hips. "Thanks." He grumbled before sitting up straighter and grabbing the cup.

Clint walked back to his spot on the couch by Natashas feet, unwrapped his sandwich and took a large bite before looking up at steve and saw that he was waking up again. He jumped when he started to choke, "ste—" he coughed some more and Natasha laughed at him, "you forget you to chew Clint?" She smiled. He threw his arm out that collided with her arm and pointed, "ste—ve." He coughed some more and everyone turned their attention back to their friend.

Before anyone could say anything over clints persistent coughing, steve grunted and lazily pointed over to the jug of water on the table he could see in the corner of his eye. "Water." He grumbled out and Bruce stood up so fast he almost tripped over his own foot. He poured some water into a plastic cup with a straw with a shaky hand then almost spilled it after bumping into Thor. "Thor move it," he said hurriedly and pushed past him to steves bedside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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