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Thor didn't even grunt as he moved the last chunk of debris out of the way. Tony had to squint against the light beaming directly into his eyes by the lights they set up. "Stark! Rogers! Are you well?" Thor shouted and threw the yellow basket down on the ground.

"I'm fine, but steves not doing so hot. His legs are crushed and he's got rebar sticking into his back" Cruz and Severide were already taking in steves vitals and talking to someone over the radio. Thor scanned steves condition and more fear bubbled up inside of him. There was blood everywhere, now that light flood the area, even tony could see.

"Brother... how are you doing?" Thor asked as calmly as he could and swallowed back the lump in his throat.

" 'm doin jus' fine" he said groggily.

"We're getting you out of here, what do you need me to lift?" He asked the firefighters but they didn't respond.

"Grab the cribbing and whatever we can use to keep this up." Severide ordered Cruz and he did just that. He shuffled over closer to steves head and nudged tony out of the way. "Captain—"

"S-Steve" he coughed, "call me steve"

"Okay, steve... can you feel your legs?"

He took in a raspy breath, nodded slightly but pursed his lips, "n-not my left" Severide looked to the side. He couldn't see much because of the concrete beam laying over his hips. "Cruz! Give me the glasses!" He shouted and basically pulled them off his face when he stalled.

"There's no good way to get all of this off without risking the whole place coming down." He said simply.

Tonys hand shook violently in steves when he said that. He let go and jumped to his feet, limped over to Cruz and started shouting over his radio. "Hey! Hey! Romanoff! Barton!" He let go of the button.

"Who is thi—" the voice was cut off, "tony? Oh thank god is steve okay?" Natasha asked over the radio.

He dodged the question for now and continued, "is happy there with a suit?"


"Tell him to deploy it"

"Copy." There was a Pause but she came back on, "tony how's steve?" A slight hitch in her voice demanded an answer.

"That's what we're working on." He let go of Cruz's radio and stumbled over to where they'd climbed in. Within a minutes the suit appeared in pieces and started clasping around his body. "Hey J nice to have you back."

"And you sir."

Cruz just stood there in awe and almost freaked out when the suit look directly at him. And in a second, small rockets hovered out of the suit and zipped beneath the rubble.

It clamped on and repulsers started up. The helmet folded off, "that should keep it steady for now."

Severide jaw dropped and stared at the tech he'd just deployed. "That'll do. Thor, come pull this off of him."

Tony had already stepped out of his suit and basically fell to steves side to sit with him. He wrapped his hand around his tightly and looked at him full of light and hope. "We're getting out of this mess"

Steve was too groggy to really answer so he put on a smile. But as Thor pulled that piece off of his hips, a whole new wave of pain racked through his body and he held back a scream.

With that wave of pain came a comforting darkness he wanted to go to so bad but tonys insisted slaps kept him from doing so, "what did I already tell you, stay awake." Steve opened his eyes, "do you need me to spell it out for you, S-T-A-Y-A-W —"

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