Tucked in

75 0 3

Tony had been sitting in that chair for why felt like days, but was really just a few hours since pepper woke him up and told him steve was out of surgery. Happy helped him out of his wheelchair and onto the big recliner next to steves bed.

He didn't say much, he really couldn't focus on anything but steve. Eventually he reckoned the seat back and popped up the leg stand, even as he slept his hand was draped over steves.

Thor and pepper walked quietly past tonys room, where happy had taken over and was sleeping on his bed. Thor slowed down his stride when he got in front of the window of steves rooms. Pepper nudged him to the door and he obliged, she cracked the door open and tiptoed in with Thor behind her.

He scanned the room first, he saw Natasha curled up against Clint in the corners of the couch. Pepper sat down at the other end, kicked off her shoes and leaned onto the hard armrest, in a matter of seconds, she too was sound asleep. He spotted Bruce, asleep in his chair, his chin resting on his chest.

Ha walked out of the room quickly and quietly and asked the nurse at the desk, "are there any blankets we could borrow." She smiled and nodded. She turned around and reached into a basket filled with folded blankets. She slid a pile of them across the counter, "thank you."

"If you need anything else, just let me know." She smiled and he walked back into the room. He set the pile down on an empty chair and laid each one over everyone until he got to tony. The blanket that was already draped over him was displaced, so he tossed the folded blanket in his arms onto whatever was next to him and pulled tonys blanket back up to him shoulders. He shuffled and subconsciously pulled both of his hands under the warmth of the blanket.

Thor grabbed turned to grab the second blanket but realized he'd thrown it onto steves bed, next to his casted leg. He took a shaky breath a focused on unfolding the blanket and tossing it over tony. He turned around, making sure to keep steve out of his line of sight. He still felt that heavy weight on his hanging over his head and weighing on his shoulders. But part of him knew that pepper was right, that steve would hate him feeling this way.

Before taking his seat, he turned around and looked. His face was pale, but he looked at peace, like he wasn't in pain. That could just be the super heavy drugs that Bruce developed for him. He listened to the vent pushing air in and out of his lungs for him and his mind took him back to that wreckage, and steves screams echoed between his ears.

He squeezed his eyes shut and grabbed the back of the chair. He took a second to try to get it out of his head then picked up the chair and dragged it to steves bedside. He picked up the blanket from his seat and plopped down. He shuffled around a bit before finally looking back at steve. He took in all of his injuries, eyes darted from cast, to bandage, to cast, to stitches, and stopped where the blanket was draped over what should be the rest of steves left leg.

He covered his mouth and fought the brutal memories swarming his thoughts. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, trying to focus on something else. He grabbed his hand gently, casted from the break in his elbow, "I'm sorry brother..." Thor said quietly and felt like he couldn't move for the rest of the night.


Thor didn't sleep at all, he couldn't. So he noticed when steves breath hitched over the ventilator and started to stir ever so slightly. Thor swung out his arm and jerked Bruce awake before standing up and placing his hand back on steves shoulder. "Rogers?" He said, not fully sure of what's going on.

Bruce shook himself awake and squired against the light, "Thor, what—" he stood up and noticed the same thing, "I'm getting the doctor." He spoke loudly and burst out of the room. He disrupted everyone else as they slept and they all ended up jerking awake.

Tony bent forward and grabbed steves hand again, "what, what's going on?" He almost shouted and noticed the slight twitches in steves face, "steve— oh my god..." doctor Rhodes barged in with Bruce behind him and nudged Thor out of the way.

"Captain." Halstead said sternly and flashed a light into each of his eyes, "captain, can you hear me?" There wasn't much of a response so he passed the chart to nurse behind him, "well he's breathing over the vent, so we can take him off now." He said as switched the vent off and started pulling it out.

"Is he awake?" Tony asked with a hint of fear, scared of how steve would react or how angry he was.

Halstead set everything down and leaned over him again, "captain, can you hear me? How are you feeling?" He asked pretty loudly. Steves eyes fluttered every so slightly and groaned against the light shining on his face.

"Steve?" Tony asked and tried to get up as much as he could despite his casted leg, but it seemed that steves eyeline was only directly above him. He threw he blankets on the floor and clumsily got to his foot against the nurses and Halsteads orders to get back down. Grabbing tight onto the railing and putting most of his weight onto his arms, he leaned over and cupped steves cheek gently, "steve, steve honey look at me."

His eyes fluttered open into slips as has fought the urge to drift back asleep, but the sound of tonys voice only made him want to see him, he had to see him. His eyes didn't really focus with no help from the weights weighing down his eyelids, but he saw his man with the messy black hair and the goatee. He smiled as best he could, "t'ny..." he trailed off.

Tears formed in his eyes and he snuggled them away, "yeah, yeah it's me babe... how-how are you feeling?" He wiped his cheeks with the sleeve of his—well steves— sweater and leaned all of his weight onto the edge of that bed, trying to hard to ignore the knot forming in his stomach.

Steve shuffled uncomfortably in his spot, "h'rts 'n t'red" he winced again when he tried to move his broken arm.

"Okay captain, I'm gonna give you something to help with the pain so you can rest." Halstead said and reached over to the nurse with the bag labelled 'Steve Drugs' she took a second to find the right vile but eventually handed it over to Halstead.

Tony leaned in even closer, "hey steve," he made a quiet humming noise back at him, "I love you." He whispered and steve smiled again, Obvious that the drugs had already started to take effect. "Luv' you too..." he managed to get out before passing right out again.

Tony was relieved to finally hear his voice again, but he was still so relieved the he didn't even mention his leg. Tony didn't even know what he would say, how he would comfort him, because in his head he knew that steve was absolutely and utterly devastated about it and he was afraid of what the future will bring them.

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