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"I can't believe this" Natasha said with her mouth wide open, she'd been shaking ever since the surgeon showed up and she heard everything. What hurt the most was steves screams over the radio and then suddenly stopped.

Clint grabbed her hand tightly and glanced over to Bruce, happy, and pepper and standing close to each other 10 feet back. "He's going to be okay." He whispered back and squeezed her hand one more time before noticing some increasing activity at the dig site.

They started jogging up but the fire chief stood in front of them with his hand on his hips. "I know you two are scared for your team mate, but you need to step back." They stopped and looked over his shoulders to see a long yellow basket being pulled up and through the rubble.

"Oh god," Natasha took a step forward but the chief pushed her back gently. She looked around him again and saw the two firefighter that went in, one of them covered in blood and the other scrambling to pull tony out. As soon as they were all on solid ground she shoved the chief out of the way and ran towards steve. Clint had jumped out in front of him to keep him from going after her.

She pushed past first responders and ran to steves side, "hey, steve hey!" She raised her voice but he was in and out of consciousness and barely registered her presence. She spotted the surgeon examining his stump and immediately regretted looking. Before they pulled him onto the stretcher, tony had wobbled over back to steves side and gripped his hand.

"I'm going with him." He told the doctor sternly who wanted to protest but didn't bother. He nodded instead and looked over to one of the paramedics, "hang an IV and tell Chicago Med we're coming in hot." The blonde paramedic jumped into the drivers seat and the brunette climbed in back with the surgeon and tony.

"We'll meet you there!" Natasha shouted to tony and slammed the door shut. She ran back to Clint and jumped into one of shields SUV's with Clint, Bruce, and Thor.


All four of them ran through the ED looking for steve  and or tony but couldn't spot them. Natasha stopped a nurse who seemed to be running things around here, "steve Rogers and tony stark. Where are they?" She asked and the woman looked up from her monitor.

"Steve Rogers, amputation in the field..." she paused and raised her eyebrows, "Doctor Halstead and Doctor Rhodes have him in emergency surgery—"

Natasha grabbed her arm and she looked back up, "is he ok?"

She took a deep breath, "he lost a lot of blood and his heart arrested in the ED, But we got him stabilized and transported him to surgery immediately."

Some of the tension was released in their shoulders and Clint spoke up, "and tony stark?"

"Uhhh, let's me see... he's in room 4."

They all glanced over to room 4 and noticed some nurses trying to shoved some reporters out of the ED and fans out of the way. "We need him moved to a private room now." Bruce stated after the other three sped over to the room and knocked a few reporters on their asses.

"Already working on it." The nurse replied.

"No, no, he needs to be moved now." Bruce insisted.

"Listen, buddy, we're slammed right now and there's only so much we can do at once-"

"Maggie, is there any way to get him out of here? I mean it might just clear things up down here for you?" A man with a raspy voice came up next to him.

"Voight you don't tell me what to do." She out her hands on her hips.

"Hey, I'm just telling you what might just help you down here."

She pursed her lips and scanned the ED, "April! Can you bring Stark up to the private wing?" The nurse nodded and ripped off her gloves. "Thank you!" She shouted. She looked back at voight, "you owe me." Before walking off.

Voight reached out his hand to Bruce, "Hank Voight, Chicago PD" Bruce shook his hand firmly, "Bruce banner, thanks"

"Crowd control is why we're here right now and you're friend is attracting a whole lot of attention." Bruce nodded slightly and let go.

"Thanks again, Hank." He turned and joined the rest of his team in clearing a path to the elevator for the wheelchair tony was stuck in.


Tony was settled in his room after getting scans done. His legs was fractured and had a pretty bad concussion from the fall so he was out like a light. Everyone was pent up in his room waiting for any kind of update from steves doctors. But it's been hours and nothing came yet.

Clint stood up and stretched his back, "I need some coffee, I'll be back." Natasha nodded slightly in response and he walked out. He closed the door gently behind him and leaned back against the wall outside of his room. A nurse was walking by and he stopped her, "anything on Rogers?" She shook her head, "no I'm sorry."

She continued walking and Clint pushed himself off of the wall and walked through the halls. He stopped at some double doors when he spotted the group of firefighters sitting in the waiting area. He walked up to the small window and noticed the one who'd done the amputation sitting in one of the chairs scratching at his arms.

He pushed through the doors and paused when they all turned towards him. "Mr... I'm sorry I didn't get your name" the chief said and stood up with his hand reached out.

"Clint." He shook his hand, "chief Boden right?" He nodded back at him.

"How's Mr. stark and Captain Rogers? They wouldn't tell us much because... well you know."

Clint took a deep breath and rubbed his face, "tonys a little banged up but he's going to be fine..." he paused and glanced at the floor, "and steve is..." he huffed, "still in surgery. Haven't heard much on that front. You-you guys always stick around when you rescue someone?"

Herrmann stood up and walked up next to Boden, "we do when we need to. Show our support." He reached out for clints hand, "sorry about before... I can be a—"

"Grumpy optimist?" Clint smirked and shook his hand. Herrmann turned to Cruz with anger struck across his face. Cruz shrugged and looked away.

"You could put it that way..." he growled. "You guys know how that woman you pulled out is doing?" Clint asked but knew the answer when their faces went dark. "Oh..."

"There was too much damage... doctors did everything they could." Herrmann said solemnly, "Christopher!" They were interrupted by a blonde woman marching down the hall towards him, "Cindy what are you doing here?"

"Sorry if I wanna make sure my husband wasn't crushed at work. Here you go boys I brought cookies." A few of them stood up and happily opened the container and chowed down on the sweets. "Besides I heard you guys saved captain America and iron man I had to come."

"Cindy, Cindy honey" she was smiling so wide but stopped when she looked at clints, "this is Clint he's one of 'em"

"Oh, oh I'm so sorry I'm Cindy." He shook her hand and smiled slightly, "it's okay ma'am, it's nice to meet you." Severide had shot up and walked past everyone, "I need some air" and before anyone could say anything he was halfway to the door.

"Thank you guys, for all that you do." Clint said quickly and walked after Severide. He was out the door soon enough and walked up to him at the edge of the balcony they were on. "Severide right?"

He turned his head and looked back at the city below them, "yeah." Clint walked up next to him leaving a few feet between them. There was a moment of silence before Severide spoke again, "I didn't want to cut off his leg." He looked down at his hands and picked at his fingers.

"Never thought you did." He was quiet again and Clint spoke up, "listen, I just want to thank you, for getting them outta there. And I sure as hell could never do what you did down there." Severide was still quiet so Clint patted his back and walked back to tonys room. Of course, as he walked by, Cindy insisted that he take the rest of the cookies she brought.

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