thirty seven!

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jimin's pov
taehyung drove me home and i thanked him before entering my house. i saw my mom in the kitchen, i was surprised.
"where the fuck were you?"
"a-a football game with taehyung.."

she looked at me with an angry expression, "you didn't think to tell me? how stupid are you, jimin?!"
"y-you weren't around s-so-"
"bullshit! whatever i'm going to bed."

i just stood there, too scared to say anything. then went to my own room and slid the poster back under my bed. i wanted to keep since it was a happy memory.

i sat on my bed and realized i was still wearing yoongi's hoodie. i forgot to give it back to him.
baby jimin: hyung i forgot to give ur hoodie back i'm sorry :(
yoongi hyung: keep it petal, wear it to school on monday for me
baby jimin: okay <3

i was smiling like an idiot. i was so happy to be able to keep it! and he wants me to wear it on monday!

it was getting somewhat late so i did the few papers of homework i had and then brushed my teeth and got ready for bed.
then yoongi called me. it was a nice surprise since i'm usually the one who calls him.

"hi hyung."
"hey angel, you alright your eyes look puffy.."
"my mom was waiting for me when i got home. she got mad since i didn't tell her about the game.. i mean how could i when she's never around.."
"i'm sorry baby, she didn't hurt you physically, right?"
"n-no just yelled. calling me stupid and stuff.."
"min, don't listen to her. you're so smart.. my smart baby."
"t-thank you yoonie..", i couldn't help it but more tears fell.

yoongi really cared about me.. he really did. he wasn't using me for good grades, he took care of me. whenever i needed it, he's always right there..

"can i tell you something, hyung?"
"anything, bubs."
"y-you were my first kiss.."

he just looked at me for a second before a giant smiled formed on his face.
"i was? man how did i get so lucky?"
"because everyone thought i was ugly, before."
"nonsense, you are the most adorable and handsome and beautiful and amazing baby ever, okay?"

i was the color of tomato sauce.
"t-thank you, hyung.. i think you're h-handsome too.."

i got to see his gummy smile again, causing me to smile.

"why don't we get some sleep, hm?"
"that's a good idea, i'm tired.."
"i bet.. my little cheerleader."
"that's me!", i giggled.

yoongi started to talk about football and tried to explain how it worked. but all i could focus on was his soothing low voice, raspy and deep.

before i knew it i was asleep.
"goodnight baby."

little cheerleader (m. yg, p. jm)Where stories live. Discover now