Geno's Pancakes

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Sidney Crosby woke up with a sore neck and back, and a pounding headache. He blinked up at the ceiling. That wasn't his bedroom. He rolled over to look to see where he was and fell off the couch he was lying on. He groaned, trying to push himself off the floor. He heard chuckling from another room and smelled something cooking.

"You okay, Sid?" Geno's voice called.

"What the hell happened?" Sidney replied.

"You drunk. Dance with girl. I bring you here. I take care of you drunk ass." Geno laughed.

"Remind me never to do that again," Sidney had made it to the kitchen and sat at the island.



"Don't do that again," Geno smirked.

Sid didn't even respond to that.

"You eat pancakes?"

"Yes, why?"

"I take care of you drunk ass. Eat," Geno handed his best friend a plate of pancakes.

"Why weren't you drunk?" Sidney asked through a mouthful of pancakes.

"I saw you two go off, she had friend also drinking. I stopped me and her drinking so we could take you twos home and-"

"Take care of our drunk asses?" Sidney finished for him.

"Yes. Good job Geno, eh?" He grinned.

"Yes. Good job, Geno," Sidney sighed. His head was pounding and he was struggling to keep his head from falling into his pancakes, which were quite good.

"You like the pancakes?"

"They're very good. Where'd you learn to cook?"

"You forget, I own restaurant back in Russia. I take you sometime."

"Okay," Sid replied. "Geno?"



"What are friend for?"

Sidney chuckled, he had almost gotten the phrase right. He thought about the night before. He remembered parts of it. It had been hot and loud and there was a girl he really liked. Who was she? He checked his phone but there were no pictures or drunk texts.

"Geno, who was she?"

Geno looked up from the griddle, a grim look on his face, "You remember anything?"

"I remember dancing with her, thinking she was pretty, and really, really liking her," Sidney thought hard, trying to picture the girl. He couldn't see her, but he could still feel her body on his.

"You trouble."

"I'm in trouble? Was she somebody's girlfriend?"

"No. You get her trouble."

"Who was she?"

"You dance with Erin," Geno mumbled.

Sid's head snapped up. He was awake now, and panicking, "Erin? As in Erin Fitzpatrick, Erin? As in our coach, Erin?"

"Yes. That one."


"It looked like it when you come back,"Geno replied.

"Sweet Jesus," Sid covered his face with his hand, "I need to talk to her."

"Yes. No do it again, okay, Sid? She is good coach. We need her. Don't get her trouble," Geno said.

"Trust me, I won't." Sid didn't care about his headache anymore. He could not believe that he had gotten drunk and been all over Erin, his coach. His hot coach. His hot coach that he was pretty sure he was falling for. He was so screwed.

Author's Note

Hey, hey, hockey fans! So we got a bit of Sid and Geno here and I hope you liked it! Please vote and comment to let me know what you thought! Let's Go Pens!

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