Game Five Schemes and Senior Things

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The boys had promised to win for me, and win they did. We cleaned up at home, taking both games and heading back to Detroit with the lead in the series. Three to one, Pittsburgh.

"Just one more, boys," Johnston said as we boarded the plane.

"Technically, we have five more," I corrected.

"Let's take this one step at a time, Erin," he said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a bit excited. I wasn't sure what to expect when they hired me, but it wasn't this."

Johnston cracked a smile, "I felt the same way. We were blessed with this team."

"My mother always told me I was a blessing," Beau said as he walked past us. I snorted and Johnston rolled his eyes. "What?" Beau asked, "You think I'd make that up?"

"That's what every mother tells their kid," I said.

"My mom never told me I was a blessing," Sutter said.

"Gee, I wonder why," Cole muttered, earning himself an elbow to the ribs. "Hey!"

"Hey, yourself," Sutter retorted.

"Alright, boys, does one of you need a time out?" I looked at Sutter. He stuck his tongue out and we all laughed. "You're a blessing, too, Suttsy," I said once they calmed down.

"Finally!" He crowed.

Sidney sat down next to me, "Guess what."


"Your family is coming to the game," he grinned.

"Really? How do you know?" He held up six tickets. "Sidney, you didn't have to do that!" I exclaimed and hugged him, "But I'm glad you did. Thank you."

"You're welcome," he chuckled, "There's one for Jules, too."

"Thank you."

"Of course. We'll tell them later. Do you have an extra ticket to graduation? I think Sunshine back there would love to go."

"I was going to take you..." I started.

"Take him, surprise her. She's seen me enough times," he smiled, rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb.

"Okay," I smiled.

"Go tell him, I want to see his reaction," Sidney grinned, pushing me out into the aisle.

"Okay, okay, I'm going," I laughed. I walked to the back of the plane where Brandon and Beau were sitting side by side. As I went, I heard the guys whispering as Sidney told them what I was going to do. "Suttsy, can I borrow your seat for a minute?"

"Uh, sure," he shot me a quizzical look.

"The seat next to Sid is open."

"I know where you sit," Brandon shook his head and transplanted himself up to the front.

"What's up, Coach? Am I in trouble?" Beau looked worried.

"Yes, deep trouble, Sunshine," I replied.

"Shit, what did I do?"

"You got yourself invited to graduation," I replied.

"Cassie's graduation?" He lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Yes, sir," I smiled.

"Thank you so much, Erin! I haven't seen Cassie in forever!" He threw his arms around me and continued rambling on about what he should wear and how he wished he'd gotten a hair cut. The guys laughed. "Did they know?"

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