It's Good to Be Home

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The celebration that night was loud, rowdy, and fun. Even Johnston came to celebrate with us. "Hey, the old man is here!" Beau cheered.

Mike waved him off and ordered a beer. "What do you usually do at these things?" He asked me.

"Drink, dance, party, have a good time," I laughed.

He choked on his beer, "They dance?"

"Not particularly well, but they're better when they're a little drunk," I explained. I leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially, "White boys can't dance."

"And white girls can?"

I shrugged and took a sip of my Shirley Temple. Geno sat on my other side, "Erin, why you not dancing? Go dance."

"Why aren't you dancing, Evgeni?" I asked.

"I like watch. I drive home tonight."

"No, I'm driving, see, nonalcoholic beverage. You won another series tonight, get some vodka or something."

"Why everyone say get vodka? I drink more than vodka," Evgeni muttered as he turned to the bartender to order.

"Erin!" Beau yelled.

"Sunshine!" I yelled back.

"Come dance!"

I sighed, finished my drink, and got up, "See you later, Mike."

"Have fun," he chuckled.

I wove my way to the center where the guys were and Beau took my hand. He spun me around until I was dizzy and he looked about ready to fall over. "Whoa, there, blondie, take it easy," Sutter grabbed his shoulders and steered him towards a chair.

Sidney wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good, just a little dizzy," I wrapped my arm around Sidney's waist for support, "He can fucking spin, should have been a figure skater." I closed my eyes, trying to make the world stop spinning. Sidney snorted with laughter. "What?" I asked.

"I just pictured Bennett in a sparkly figure skating costume," he cackled.

"Now that would be a figure skating event I'd pay to see," I giggled.

"What are you two planning?" Ian Cole shot us a funny look.

"Nothing. We're just picturing Sunshine as a figure skater, costume and all," Sidney said.

Ian paused for a minute and scrunched his eyebrows together as he thought. Then he burst out laughing, "That's fucking hilarious! I gotta tell Marc." He disappeared and I knew it wouldn't be long until Beau heard about it.

"Maybe we should get out of here," I suggested to Sidney.

"I like that idea," he grinned down at me. We grabbed Geno and he drove us home to Sid's.

"Night, kids," Geno said as he dropped us off, "No be too crazy."

"We won't be," I promised, "Thanks for the ride, Evgeni."

"Yeah, yeah, good night," he drove away.

"So, what do we do now?" Sidney raised his eyebrows at me, but then he yawned.

"I think we go to bed," I giggled, but then I yawned too.

"That's no fun," Sidney was still yawning.

"Mhm," I dragged him upstairs and we got ready for bed, Sidney in a pair of sweats and me in pajama shorts and a t-shirt. We crawled into bed and Sidney wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into him, happy to be home in his arms. "I love you," he whispered.

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