Shut Up

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Sidney's alarm went off and he groaned, reaching out to smack the thing into silence. I snorted, "It's just going to go off again."

"It was hurting my head," he complained.

"Maybe, you shouldn't get drunk next time," I said.

"I didn't have that much to drink!"

"Mhm, that's what they all say," I smacked him on the butt, "C'mon, Crosby, get up. We have to go to practice."

"Can't I skip one day?" He pouted.

"Not if you want to play," I said. There was no way to get out of the bed since I was on the side against the bedroom wall. Sidney still wasn't getting up so I sat up and tried pushing him off the bed. He wasn't ready for it, and he fell off into a messy heap on the floor.

"Umm, ow!"

"Time to get up. I'll make breakfast, you get ready."

He watched me leave, "My pants look nice on you," he called. I was glad to be out in the hallway already because his compliment made me blush.

"Not as good as they look on you," I replied.

"Better," he shot back.

I opened Sidney's fridge and got out some eggs, cheese, and ham; Ihad decided to make omelets. Sidney managed to drag his ass downstairs by the time the food was ready. "Are you, like, a gourmet chef?" He asked.

"Nope, I just got sick of eating ramen noodles while living by myself, so I learned how to cook a few basic recipes," I replied, sliding an omlete onto his plate.

"It smells good," he started eating, "it tastes good, too!" He said through a mouthful of food.

I laughed, "Didn't your mother tell you not to talk with your mouth full of food?"

"She'd also tell me not to do this, but sometimes, I do what I want," Sidney picked me up and started running around the house.

"Stop!" I said, but it wasn't very convincing, because I kept laughing.

"I don't think so," he threw me down on the bed and flopped down next to me, draping his arm over me. He rolled over so that he was staring at me, "Play hooky with me today," he said imploringly.

"Sidney we can't, the guys will all know we're together!"


"We have to go. We can hang out after," I promised.

"It's not as fun without the risk of getting caught," he said.

"We don't have to hang out..."

"No! We're going to hang out. I was just saying-"

"I know what you were saying, Sidney," I sighed.

"Good. My place or yours?"

"Mine," I said.

"I'll be there," he winked, or at least he tried to. The movement was so exaggerated, it was funny. I started laughing so hard that no sound came out of my mouth and tears ran down my cheeks.

"What?" Sidney asked.

I sucked in a huge breath, "Nothing, Crosby, don't worry about it," I wiped the tears from my face and we went back downstairs to finish our breakfasts.

At practice, the guys wouldn't stop complaining about their headaches. "Serves y'all right. Maybe next time you shouldn't get so drunk," I said.

"And your head doesn't hurt?" Bennett asked.

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