Wednesday Night Rivalry

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"It's okay," Sidney said.

I looked down. His head rested in my lap and he was smiling at me. Had I just imagined him asking me to kiss him? Yes, I had. Sidney wasn't the type to cheat, and I wouldn't actually have agreed to it if he had asked. I blushed at the images that had just flashed across my mind.

"So, are you going to fix things with Anna?" I asked, trying to think about something besides having his lips on mine.

"Yeah, in a little bit, if you don't mind me staying," he replied, closing his eyes.

"Not at all," I said, continuing to run my fingers through his hair. He smiled and hummed quietly as I did so, making me smile. I stopped, just to see if he would keep going, and he did. "Sid," I whispered.

"Why are you whispering?"

"What are you humming?" I asked, still whispering.

"That song by The Weeknd from the sexy grey movie coming out."

"Fifty Shades of Grey?"

"Yes. The guys wanted to go see it as a group without any girls; it should be interesting," Sidney replied, seeming pretty comfortable with the idea. I pictured the team going and started laughing uncontrollably. "What?" Sidney asked.

"That's the funniest thing I've heard all week," I cackled.

"What is? Did I say something?"

"You and the guys all going to watch Fifty Shades at the same time. It's just too funny."

"Would it be weird if a bunch of girls went to go see it?"

"Not as weird, no, because the book wasn't aimed at guys," I chuckled, settling down a bit. "So did you listen to the soundtrack to get yourself pumped up for the film?" I joked.

"Not on purpose. The radio stations keep playing it and it's stuck in my head," he complained.

"I can fix that," I said, pushing him up into a sitting position and going over to my iHome. I plugged in my phone and played "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk the Moon.

Sidney got up and came to take my hand so that we could dance. I was belting out the lyrics and Sidney just nodded his head, trying to become familiar with it. The song was blasting and I moved throughout the apartment as I sang; my hips swaying with the beat. When it was over, Sidney turned on a different song and it was his turn to sing and dance. He had picked "Feelings" by Maroon 5 and I was impressed that he knew it. He wasn't an awful singer, but he wasn't Adam Levine, so it was pretty funny to watch him pretend to perform.

"Don't quit your day job, Crosby," I laughed in a break between verses.

"I've got feeeeeeeelings for you,"he sang in response and I smiled sadly, wishing it was true.

When the song ended he sat down on the couch next to me, "That was fun."

"Indeed," I said.

"I guess that I should head out if I'm going to see Annalise tonight; we do have a game tomorrow."

"It's a big game, too," I nodded, "Philly's coming to town."

"Dun, dun,dun!" He said sarcastically.

I laughed and shook my head, "You're acting all cocky, but I'm expecting you to go in and come out fighting."

"Yes, Coach," he saluted me.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Get out of my apartment."

"See... you... later..." He dragged each word out as he walked down the hall.

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