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*small update because I was little busy those days hehe*

Let's begin!!! 😍😍


" I love you baby! Thank you so much my angel for giving this beautiful happiness to me my love! " Said Mew in a whispering tone. Gulf blushed.

" I love you too boo! " Said Gulf in a whispering tone. Mild and champ saw mew and gulf was being romantic but having their kids in their arms, looking like a perfect family!

" You all look so beautiful!!! What a beautiful family I have to say! " Said Mild. Gulf blushed and nodded. Suddenly, baby girl started crying. Gulf has already idea how to handle new born baby as for him it was his second time.

" Heyy shhh ~ shh papa is here don't cryy!!! Shhh... " Said Gulf and took baby more closely to him on arms and baby girl stopped crying. Gulf smiled. He was rewinding those days when Type was in his arms like this.

Everyone out there was feeling so blessed to get some chance to see such beautiful scenario, seeing Gulf as mother for that baby. The first time, Gulf is holding his baby and baby stopped crying.

" Baby loves papa... Such an obedient baby girl! You really know how to handle new babies as Type was same like this too right?! Well done my love! " Said Mew and caressed baby's head which was so soft and Gulf nodded happily.

" Papa why sista cry cry?? " Asked Type. Mew and Gulf chuckled.

" Because she is a girl! " Said Champ in a joke way and everyone chuckle. Type pouted.

" My sista.... Besht sista! No laughy no my sista! *hmph* " Said type and pouted angrily. Mild and Champ went to Type and took him in arms and kissed his cheeks which made Type giggle immediately! Everyone smiled to see Type being defensive for his lil sister

" Girls are not crybabies!! " Said Mew's mom and everyone bursted into laughter. Mew's mom went to Gulf.

" Gulf you should sleep now! You need rest. I will take care of baby! " Said mew's mom. Mew shook his head.

" No mom! You and dad can go home and take rest. I can take care of Gulf and baby! " Said Mew. His mom shook her head.

" You have no experience in that only Gulf and me have so let me stay. You just learn first how to hold baby nicely! *chuckle*

Boys ( mild, champ, k, turbo) , you all can leave and take rest. And then come tomorrow! Till then I will stay here with my sons. And mild, please take Type with you because it's not good for him to stay here as this is hospital so he won't be able to get enough sleep. So take Type with you so that Type can rest too. He was also worried.

Also honey you should go as well. I'm here for Gulf and Mew. If I need anything, Mew is here already! " Said Mew's mom like a queen. Everyone smiled and nodded.

" As you say highness!! " Said everyone in unison and laughed. Soon they all left only Mew, Gulf and mom left only. Saint and other doctors came to check Gulf a lot of times and every time Gulf was fine but very weak.

" Mew give this medicines to Gulf after breakfast and then, let him sleep he needs it! " Said Saint. Mew nodded and went to pharmacy and got all the meds.

LOVE ME TILL THE END (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now