Chapter 4 - Daily Life 3/4

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"Queen of spades, so we skip you th-this turn." Chinami places the card on the table, hiding behind the few she still has in her hand "Sorry, Akiyama-kun."

"It's fine." Hikaru chuckles, stretching his arms above his head "Though I'm never gonna be able to get rid of all the cards Yuuma-san and Sasaki-kun passed me with their jokers."

*I'm not sorry.* Ryoko signs curtly.

Juro chuckles, giving a translation while adding a card of his own to the pile. It had been Hikaru's idea to ask Ryoko to borrow her deck of playing cards so they could play a few easy card games. However, the cardist hadn't been very ecstatic about the idea to leave her playing cards in the hands of people she barely knew still, so after some disccusion she eventually just decided to join them for a game.

Ryoko throws her last card on the table before leaning back in her chair *I win.*

"Again." Juro says with a faint chuckle.

"You're ruthless when it comes to games, Yuuma-san." Hikaru hums while Chinami plays a card "Finally! I can get rid of a few of these." He counts his cards, then starts playing a combination of two sevens and an ace "Shikata-san, you're up again."

*I have to be ruthless.* Ryoko shrugs.

"Your brothers wouldn't let you live it down otherwise?" Juro asks while signing. Then he picks up his cards to add another one to the growing stack.

Ryoko gives him a look, one that is hard to read, before giving a simple nod.

"Siblings are like that." Hikaru agrees.

"I can c-confirm that." Chinami smiles "My older brother is a bit c-competitive too."

*Older brothers can be horrible.* Ryoko signs.

"Hey!" Juro huffs, feigning offence.

"What did she say?" Hikaru asks and, upon receiving a translation, he places a hand on his chest "I'm hurt. Older brothers are great. Isn't that right, Sasaki-kun?"

"I'm with you on that."

"Yuuma-san has a p-point though." Chinami smiles shyly.

Before they can continue their friendly banter, the monitor in the cafeteria suddenly comes to life. Monokuma's image appears – he's holding a glass again – and he clears his throat "Ahem, attention please. All students, please assemble in the living room for a very special announcement!"

The friendly atmosphere vanishes almost as soon as the announcement comes, instead being replaced by one filled with dread, anxiety. One would be able to hear a pin drop.

Juro signs an explanation to Ryoko while Hikaru sighs "Well, we knew it was bound to come soon. We explored the place yesterday."

"Yeah..." Chinami whispers, lowering her head, and places her remaining cards on the stack in the centre.

Ryoko quickly gathers her playing cards into a neat stack, before returning them to their designated bag, and gets up along with the others, who quietly make their way to the living room. With how many students are missing, gone, there's practically a couch for each person. However, they still sit down in pairs, similiar to the situation they found themselves in when they just woke up.

It feels like ages ago now.

Juro finds himself sitting next to Hikaru, while Ryoko and Chinami share the couch next to them. More people arrive shortly after. Youta and Hachiro exchange a greeting, sitting down on another couch close to the group that's already there. Mai drapes herself over another one upon her arrival, and Kaori takes a seat on the couch on the other side compared to where Youta is.

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