Chapter 1 - Daily Life 3/3

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When Juro arrives, most of the students have already assembled in the room where they first woke up. He sits down on a couch next to Kaya, who has both her arms and legs crossed while glaring at the spot where they first saw Monokuma. Kaori is sitting on the couch the furthest away from everyone, with an unbothered Ryoko next to her.

"Finally, everyone is here." Monokuma pops up and when he does, Arisa tightens her grip on one of her knives while narrowing her eyes. Their principal clears his throat "Sooo, since getting the killing started is taking way too long and I'm getting bored, I've decided to motivate you guys a little, by giving you a motive!" He practically cheers the last part of the sentence "I've prepared some special videos just for you. Go ahead, watch them! If you don't, I'll just punish you. Upupupu."

As if on cue everyone's monopad makes a small sound and vibrates. Juro digs up his device from his backpack and holds it in both hands, looking like it's going to burn him. Well, knowing Monokuma, it just might.

He turns on the monopad and the screen lights up. He swallows nervously, glancing up at his classmates, some of them are already plugging in their earbuds.

Juro looks back at the screen in his hand and hesitantly opens the message containing the video. He really doesn't want to look at this, but there's no escaping. If he doesn't do this, he'll be... executed. So Juro puts the earbuds in his ears and closes his eyes when pressing play.

"Test. Test." Sasaki Tsukiya, Juro's younger brother, has his face close to the camera before turning his head to the others, signing while he speaks "Okay, it's running!"

Juro smiles a little upon seeing his brother dash towards the couch where the rest of his family is sitting. He instantly forgets what the purpose of this video is and just focuses on the people he knows so well.

"Congratulations on joining Hope's Peak Academy, son." His father begins "We're all extremely proud of you."

His mother nods "Study hard, but don't forget to have some fun and make friends too. You deserve it."

"Make sure to come home soon though. It's boring without you." Tsukiya puffs out his cheeks "I've grown a centimetre since you left. Soon enough I'll be taller than you, so be prepared for when you return!"

Ayako, the youngest of the three siblings, smiles with her eyes closed and gives the camera a thumbs up before her hands move to piece a sentence together *Good luck, big brother! I believe in you! You can do this!*

Juro smiles and holds back a few tears, glad to receive so much encouragement from his family. It almost makes him hope that he could just wake up from this nightmare and really be at Hope's Peak Academy to learn more and develop his talent further.

Suddenly, the screen distorts and for a second, Juro believes that he has accidentally destroyed his monopad without knowing it. They were supposed to be careful with them! How could he have broken his so easily? Is he that incapable?

But no, the screen soon returns, only to display a destroyed living room, with blood splatters on the wall.

While his eyes widen, Juro almost drops the monopad. He wants to look away, but it's impossible to do so. All he can do is stare at the remains of his home.

"The Sasaki family was always so kind and supported their son when he got his ultimate talent. How could something so horrible happen to them?" A voice narrates.

Then the screen fades to black and displays the words 'FIND OUT AFTER GRADUATION'.

Juro can barely tears his hands from the monopad to remove his earbuds, letting them dangle from where they're still connected to the device. He folds his hands together in an attempt to stop himself from shaking.

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