Chapter 6 - Deadly Life 1/2

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"Upupupu, very well~." Monokuma chirps "No going back now then. Have fun on your new playing field!"

"New... playing field...?" Mai questions, muttering to herself as Monokuma turns around and walks away, when suddenly the air inbetween the doorframe he left behind starts shaking and glitching.

"I think that's what he means." Minoru says through gritted teeth, gripping the flashlight on his belt.

The air keeps moving until a pitch black sheet covers the door opening, though the edges are still shaky and blurred. Despite its appearance, the backstage room is still clearly lit as if nothing changed.

They hesitate and remain where they are until Mai steps forward, reaching out to touch the dark surface when her hand passes through it "What the-"

When she pulls back her hand, which was a little past her wrist in the darkness, it glitches a little at the edges before going back to normal.

"I know that this place isn't real, but that's just freaky." Minoru comments.

"Definitely." Juro mutters in agreement.

"It just tingles a little." Mai tells them, taking a good look at her hand and wiggling her fingers "Seems fine. I'm gonna go ahead."

"Nakahara-san, w-wait-" Chinami begins before the archer has already stepped through.

Ryoko turns to the group *It appears to be some kind of portal.*

"I think you're right about that." Juro agrees after he provides a translation "Still creepy though." Instead of lowering his hands when he's done signing, he lifts one to fidget with his earring.

*We'll probably be fine. Monokuma is a jerk, but he's also a goody-two shoes about his own rules. Plus, remember that he likes being entertained.* Ryoko reminds him before she steps forward, into the darkness, and disappears.

"Let's get this over with." Minoru mutters, following after the cardist. His fists are clenched as he takes firm steps and closes his eyes right before he walks through.

Juro turns to Chinami, who has been frozen in place for a while now "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah..." She says softly, heaving a sigh "I'm j-just trying to find the courage. I'm still not as b-brave as you guys."

"You're facing your fears. I think that's a lot more courageous than what some of us do." Juro holds out a hand to her "C'mon, let's go together."

Chinami nods, taking his hand as they step forward together and Juro does his best to put on a brave face. He reminds himself of what Ryoko said earlier. Monokuma is out for entertainment and as much as Juro hates the guy, he does indeed not go back on his word. They'll be fine.


Juro copies Minoru in closing his eyes when he steps through the portal, keeping Chinami slightly behind him to be able to fit through it. He almost loses his balance when he steps out on the other side and a tingling sensation runs across his skin. He shivers, blinking a few times to adjust to his new surroundings.

The room is big and well-lit, with bookshelves and drawers lining the walls and reaching the ceiling. There's an open space in the ceiling through which Juro catches a glimpse of another floor with even more shelves past the large chandelier that occupies most of that space.

"It's like an old library..." He mutters.

"More of an archive." Minoru responds. Juro looks to the side to find the ghost hunter skimming through the pages of multiple books "Take a look."

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