Chapter 5 - Daily Life 3/3

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The first three days they spend up there pass by rather quietly as most people keep to themselves or interact one on one, with the exception of the occasional games they play together. Not even Monokuma disturbs them, although the ever-present camera is enough to remind them that he's still watching. However, on the fourth day after the motive was first announced, they notice that there's water on the ground floor of the building. It's a thin layer, but they suspect it will soon cover a lot more.

While Kaori climbs out of one of the windows to get a better view from the roof and estimate how long they'll have, the others are left alone with their thoughts.

"Are you worried?" Youta asks quietly, walking up to Juro to sit next to him on the edge of the stage.

"Are you?" Juro mutters, forcing a smile while looking at the natural healer.

Youta closes his eyes for a moment, seemingly offering a smile of his own "I think we all are..." He looks at the others, mainly at Ryoko teaching Chinami a bit more sign language while they wait. Minoru and Mai aren't in what they dubbed the 'main area' at the moment "I don't know how we can save people now. We can't..."

"We can't kill anyone or be killed and force people to sacrifice themselves." Juro finishes.

Youta nods "Life is precious..." He clenches a fist over his chest, his hand is shaking "I can't believe someone could do this to us."

Juro looks at his classmate, his friend, who has a visible frown on his face. He doesn't think he has ever seen Youta so angry before, not even during his arguments with Kaori. This doesn't even look like anger, but more like rage that's slowly boiling over after having been built up since the start of this killing game, rage aimed at Monokuma and whoever controls him.

He places a hand on Youta's shoulder "Take a moment to breathe."

Youta shakes his head, but takes a deep breath and forces his shoulders to relax, some of the tension leaving his body "Sorry. You're right. We need to keep our heads cool now... more than ever."

Juro nods "We'll stick together."

"People can achieve a lot if they join forces." Youta echoes, to which Juro smiles gently.

It seems perfectly timed because Kaori climbs back into the room, nearly stumbling when her foot gets stuck on the windowsill as she steps inside, but she's fine. She looks around as people look at her, but she answers most of the silent questions lingering in the air with a shake of her head.

Tucking her hands in the pockets of her lab coat, Kaori steps forward "It's not looking too good for us. I think we'll have two, maybe three days if we're optimistic, left after this one."

"Is th-there nothing else we can do?" Chinami asks, her voice breaking a little.

Ryoko puts her hand on the figure skater's shoulder and gives her a look before shifting her focus back to the otologist.

"I'm not sure..." Kaori responds, sitting down on a chair with a heavy sigh.

"You finally giving up?" A too familiar voice pipes up.

"Oh for fuck's sake-"

Monokuma pops up and almost immediately combusts on spot from the glares aimed at him "I was wondering how long it would take for the sweet despair to set in. I must say, you're lasting longer than I expected, I'm impressed."

Suddenly Mai pushes the sheet that was hanging in front of her bed away, stepping out, hair still a mess "Okay, which walking talking headache decided to disturb my sleep?" Her eyes land on Monokuma "Yeah, your presence explains the headache."

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