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yo remember the cursed sh*t I mentioned last chapter
yeah that came real f*ckin early

(DD - female form)
For the dinner, I figured, if I couldn't prank anyone, I'd just annoy Dave by being an asshole. So I made sure to dress up in a way I knew would make him completely incapable of focussing on anything.
He sighed when I came to meet him at the door. "D'you have to wear that damn skirt?"
I grinned and leaned in toward his ear. "There's nothing under it."
I could tell he was already irritated. "I am not bringing along another pair of boxers just so you can—"
I passed him a condom. "Relax. I've got you covered."
He knew from that that this was fully intentional and I was only doing this to f*ck with him.
I could see the internal debate going on in his head: try to make it through, or f*ck me and show up late. He shook his head and we left.
Luckily, the table was square, so I could safely mess with him without anyone seeing. He also noticed this, and grabbed my thigh in an attempt to calm his mind. Grinning to myself, I guided his hand up my leg and inward.
"You have no idea how angry I am at you right now." He muttered, not looking at me.
Even as he said this, I felt him push my legs slightly apart to make room as his breathing changed.
I moved my chair closer to his and spread my legs further. "Doesn't seem like it."
I was sitting to his left, so he still had his right hand to eat with, but I could tell he was struggling to keep his awareness of anything going on around him.
It was quiet enough that the others would be able to hear us now, so I spoke to him telepathically.
Do you want to stop?
"If I do, I'll have to get up to go wash my hand. I'm good for now."
...or not.
"Yeah, I'm not eating that sh*t. I have actual food to eat. Plus, I'm not sure I trust that anything a magically-switched body creates that it wouldn't otherwise is the real thing. When I switched, Amber said the period blood would smell like iron. It smelled like bleach."
...that just sounds like a medical issue.
"It wasn't."
You still mad at me?
"DD, trust me, the moment we get home I am going to smash you into the f*cking headboard so hard you get a concussion."
Is that a yes or a no?
I wasn't aware it was possible for normal people to be pissed off and horny at the same time.
"Why do you think I'm pissed off in the first place?"
Fair enough.
This distracted him long enough to let him finish his food. Once everyone was done, we moved to the pool room and into one of the hot tubs. But first, the changerooms.
I made sure to get undressed as slowly as possible. I could tell it was killing him.
He finally sighed and double-checked that the door was locked. "F*ck you."
"I sure hope that's the plan." I grinned.
He pulled his shorts down slightly and shoved me against the wall, breathing heavily. He kept his hips pressed against mine, not actually doing anything yet, and went to kiss my neck first. Probably to calm himself down.
"You guys coming?" Amber called from outside the door.
Dave, who definitely misinterpreted that question at first, froze. "Uh— Yeah. Be there in a sec."
I laughed evilly. "Waited a bit too long, huh?"
He spoke through gritted teeth. "I'm going to f*cking punch something."
I grinned. "This should be fun later."
Once we got into the water, the jets made it difficult to see anything under the surface.
My turn.
"DD, no."
DD, yes.
I sank down further into the water so no one would see my arm moving, then slid my hand under his waistband.
He shuddered at my touch. "F*ck you."
I made sure to move at an unbearably slow pace just to torture him. He didn't seem to mind, probably because he didn't want this to escalate. So I'd keep going until he'd grab my hand to make me speed up, then I'd stop for a bit and start again. We were doing pretty good at acting like nothing was happening. Dave's voice sounded normal whenever he spoke.
How the hell are you keeping it together so well? I'd be—
"I know. I've seen you horny."
That doesn't answer my question.
"I just keep telling my brain not to react. It's not easy, but I'll be able to stop in a moment."
"It's a bit hot in here." He remarked. "I'm gonna go to the pool for a bit to cool off."
Good luck with that. Your shorts are gonna be plastered to your skin.
"Idiot. The path from here to the pool is facing directly away from them."
I followed him over, which no one paid attention to since I followed him everywhere, and he brought me to a spot where it was deep enough that the others wouldn't be able to see us as long as we stayed close to the wall but shallow enough that we could still touch the ground.
"This isn't exactly a good place to f*ck." I pointed out.
"I know." He nodded.
He created an illusion of us further out in the water so no one would notice us missing, then teleported us to a void. I made sure it was time-stretched, then completely removed our refractory periods.
"You haven't been with someone like me in a while, have you?" I grinned, pressing my chest against his to tell him what I meant.
"I hardly remember it, honestly." He mumbled, sliding his hands over my hips.
I chuckled. "This should be good."

aaaaaaaaaand we are nearing 1 000 words and it's nearly 4:30 in the morning so that is the end of the chapter

I don't remember much of what happened in it even though it was all written within the span of like two hours (haven't even proofread the previous chapter yet lol) but I feel like most of it should be deleted but won't be because I'm lazy

I assume it's fine since I have seen very few signs of life this far into the story so I assume no one's still here

and honestly

good lol


WDICSM Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora