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(Dave's POV)

Sleeping even in the same room as DD was something I had decided only I should have to go through. He tended to talk a lot in his sleep and, being DD, the majority of that talking was just him moaning my name over and over.
I don't think I ever want to have to see what you dream about. I thought.
It wasn't always my name, though. He used to just moan in general with the occasional name of a person thrown in randomly.
I picked up my phone and started scrolling through Reddit, too tired to stay awake yet too awake to fall asleep. DD had been in my head all day, working to control my anxiety so I could have at least one day without it, but as soon as he came back out I had the pleasure of experiencing both outcomes at the same time. So now I had a normal amount of energy and no energy at the same time. Schrödinger's energy.
After a couple minutes, he woke up and crawled over to me.
"Hey, gorgeous." He chuckled drowsily.
"Not tonight, DD." I sighed. "I have stuff to do tomorrow. But then it's over. Just gimme one more day, m'kay?"
It's gonna be okay
It's gonna be okay
This issue is temporary so attempt to wait for one. more. day.
"But I've missed you." He whined, wrapping his arm around my waist and leaning in to kiss my neck. "You know how I get."
"Yeah, but then I'll be even more exhausted tomorrow." I reminded him. "We don't want that. Can't you wait? It's just one day."
He let out a whine and his head fell back down onto the pillow. "Please?"


"I hate you." I muttered. "I'm gonna be so f*cked tomorrow. They're gonna notice. They'll know something's wrong."
"Relax." DD murmured, still smiling after half an hour. "You'll be fine. I'll take care of it."
He gave me a kiss and rolled over, grabbing my hand at the last second and pulling me with him. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist, letting him move closer to me.
"Good morning, f*ckface." I growled, glaring at the clock on the nightstand reading 01:47.
He chuckled. "Aww, I love you too."

(DD's POV)

Okay... yeah. That was a mistake. I thought, watching Dave drowsily stumble around the room. This is gonna be tough to deal with.
"Uh... do you wanna stay here today?" I asked.
"No, I'll be fine." He told me, struggling to stay standing. "I can get through it."
I turned around for a moment to get him some kind of stimulant or something and by the time I had turned back he was curled up on the bed, asleep.
"Alright, c'mon." I sighed, shaking him awake. "Needle or tablet?"
"Neither." He mumbled, curling up tighter. "Just lemme sleep."
"Needle it is, then." I muttered.
He let out a whine and tried to grab my arm so I couldn't go anywhere, but I just wrenched it free and picked up a needle.
"Fine." He grumbled. "Just gimme the bloody tablet."
I passed him the bottle and some water.
He glared at the cup of water as I offered it to him. "Put a teabag in it."
"DO YOU WANT THE TABLET OR NOT?" I snapped, fighting the urge to shove his head into the wall. "I WILL INJECT THAT SH*T INTO YOUR F*CKING ASS. SHUT UP AND TAKE THE F*CKING PILL."
He had shot backwards as soon as I had raised my voice and now he sat there on the bed, shaking in fear with tears in his eyes. I sighed and pulled him onto my lap.
"Someone's overtired." I chuckled softly, giving him a few light kisses on his neck.
"It's not— I'm not— I can't— I—" He stammered, having already escalated to full-on sobbing. "I just— You're— yelling at me and I d— don't understa—"
I held him tighter, gently rubbing his chest. "It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry I yelled at you."
He sniffled and wiped his eyes. "I'm okay. I'm okay. I deserved to be yelled at. Sorry."
I gave him the pill and water again and he took it this time.
"Just give it a little bit. It should give you enough energy to get through the day." I told him.
Sure enough, by the time we were ready to go, he was practically bouncing off the walls. I ended up having to regulate his energy so that once it got above a certain point, the energy above that threshold would be drained off and stored to be used later when the drug started wearing off.
The others definitely noticed, since he'd had a lot less energy the other three days. They couldn't actually see me, and they all thought I was off at an orgy or something, so they just shrugged it off and didn't suspect anything. Because I was the one that got him addicted to drugs. Yep. Me. Definitely wasn't Amber or anything. Definitely my fault.
"Hey, can we...?" I asked quietly.
"Not until we get back." He muttered. "Why are you always so horny? I thought we fixed this by getting you out of my head so you could go do whatever you want."
Yeah... and then I got attached to you and didn't wanna be with anyone else. I thought.
"You can't really fix it." I told him. "You can only make it less intense. It doesn't exactly go away. I mean, it can, but only with some medical conditions. Like with humans. Sudden loss of libido is usually a sign something's wrong."
"I know. You don't have to tell me." He muttered.
Can't I just have a moment? I thought desperately. I've missed you.
I reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling myself closer toward him, leaning against him and trying to get as close as possible. He glanced around, looking panicked, and shook me off.
"Not here." He hissed.
I automatically moved closer to him again but stopped myself.
"Sorry." I mumbled. "I just... I don't know."
He glanced at the calendar on his phone and sighed. "Fine. I don't have anything. Where do you wanna go?"
I brought him somewhere nobody could see us and transported us to a void.
"You have no idea how much..." I breathed.
I grabbed him and pulled him in, gripping the collar of his shirt and pressing myself against him as hard as I could. He hesitated for a moment, seeming a little stunned by the sudden movement, then kissed me back.
"I..." I breathed. "I've missed you."
"It's been three days, clingy f*ck." He joked.
I shrank away from him, wrapping my arms tightly around my stomach.
"I know, but..." I mumbled, looking down at the ground. "I... er... um... I..."
"Aww." He chuckled, giving me a hug. "I was kidding. I know how you are. It's fine."
He sat down with me, putting his hand on my chest and holding me close.
"So what was it you wanted to do?" He asked quietly.
What I wanted to do was just lay with him for a while, but I was supposed to be the eternally-lustful sadist demon, so I just tried to do that while disguising it with being overly sexual.
Eventually I forgot I was supposed to hide it and I just stopped moving, leaning against his chest. He didn't seem to notice.
"I love you." I mumbled without really thinking.
He gave me a kiss on the top of my head. "I love you too."
I froze for a split second after realizing what I had just done, but immediately forced myself to relax again. He seemed to just dismiss it as a muscle twitch.
I'm so stupid. Why did I say that? I thought. What is wrong with me? This isn't normal for me.
I slid my hand over his chest, trying to make the situation as sexual as possible without actually doing anything sexual.
"You look great." I murmured.
"We look the same." He reminded me.
"I've told you a million times." I grinned. "You're better."
He chuckled. "You're cute."
I could tell he thought something was about to happen. I slid both hands onto his chest and leaned forward, gently pushing him down.
"What time is it?" He asked quietly.
"Relax. You're not gonna miss anything." I chuckled. "Trust me. I've got this."
He looked a little uncomfortable. I figured he just didn't want to surrender control to me like he was being forced to do in this position. I repositioned so he had more control, but he still looked uncomfortable.
Because I was aware I wasn't actually going to do anything, I had forgotten that he thought I was.
That's probably it. I thought.
"You alright?" I asked quietly.
"Uh... yeah." He mumbled. "I'm fine. I... uh..."
"You don't wanna do this." I murmured.
He stuttered for a moment, looking like he was gonna deny it, then glanced at me and seemed to understand I wouldn't be upset. "No. I don't."
He still said it really quietly, like a child admitting to doing something bad.
I repositioned again so I was holding him on my lap and leaned back against the invisible wall.
"It's alright." I murmured. "I didn't want to, either."
He turned his head as far as he could to look at me. "But you..."
I sank down further so we were almost lying down and wrapped my arms tighter around him. "Sometimes I just want to hold you."
He rolled over and cuddled up to me. "I'm good with that."
I was pretty sure he could tell I really had not wanted to say that. But he didn't say anything about it.
We laid there for a while, mumbling gibberish back and forth and pretending to understand each other.
At some point, we completely forgot we were supposed to get back to the convention and ended up falling asleep. Luckily, though, time in the void was very stretched-out, so when we got back after around 3 hours, it had only been half an hour in real life.
Dave looked uncomfortable again and kept glancing around.
"Hey." I murmured. "What's up?"
"I... I need to talk to Joel." He mumbled, pulling out his phone. "I'm gonna go find him. I'll text you later."


I don't really have anything to say here




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