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(Dave's POV)

I was calmly and peacefully woken up at four in the morning by DD screaming at the top of his lungs. He'd dreamt that I'd died. Later, he had a sore throat, but we weren't sure if that was from the cold or the screaming. Probably both.
We got tested at the hospital, and it seemed to just be a normal cold. I thought for sure that it'd be some kind of attack or something since it came out of nowhere with no identifiable source.
I flopped down onto the bed and pulled my phone out of my pocket. "It can't not be an attack, right? Like, surely..."
He shrugged. "We'll see, I guess."
We laid around for a while, and I knew what he was waiting to say.
"So..." He began. "We can't really leave... and there's not much to do in here..."
I crawled across the bed and kissed him. I quickly ended up underneath him with my legs wrapped around his waist.
"This is the exact opposite of the position we should be in." I chuckled.
"It's fine." He murmured. "It's fine. I just wanna be with you for a bit."
He kissed me again, wrapping his arms around my neck. We spent a while like that before he settled on my chest.
"You're cute." I chuckled.
Normally, he'd get embarrassed or irritated by this. He still had some fragile masculinity issues around certain things. But today he just smiled and cuddled up to me.
I laid with him a while longer before getting restless.
"Wish we could go outside." I muttered. "Like, outside the base to just go for a walk or something. Even walking through the streets of inner London sounds better than being stuck in here."
"We could go ask Amber if we can..." He murmured. "Could do a simulator, though, since then we don't have to ask and we'll definitely be allowed to."
"It's not the same..." I mumbled.
He gave me a kiss. "Let's just try, 'kay?"
We got Amber to make us non-contagious, though she wasn't sure how long it would last since she wasn't sure exactly what she was trying to stop from spreading.
"So, what's the plan?" DD asked once we got to our simulation room. "What do you want to happen?"
"Uh... I don't know..." I mumbled.
He sighed, pressed me against the wall, and kissed me. I immediately slid down the wall a bit, held up only by his hand on my chest. He held me there for a solid fifteen seconds before finally letting go, keeping me close with his hands on my head.
"You've got a plan." He grinned. "You know you do."
"City parks in the middle of the night and it's raining..." I stuttered. "And..."
He smiled at me and gave me another kiss. "You don't have to say any more. C'mon."
He set up the simulation and had me hold his hand while he started it. I opened my eyes to a dark city street in the rain. I wasn't sure where we were, but it looked North American to me. He took my hand and we started the walk down the empty street to a park.
"I'm not sure why you wanted rain." He muttered.
"Hey, I did say I wanted to go walk around London, didn't I?" I chuckled. "What better way to simulate England than to be soaking wet from the moment you step outside?"
"Fair enough." He laughed. "I was gonna do London, but I figured this would be more like what you were imagining."
I smiled at him. "It's perfect."
"Anything you'd like to change?" He asked.
I thought for a moment. "I don't think so."
I guided him off the street and into the long grass of the park. He wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned against me.
"You're strange." He chuckled, looking up at the grey clouds dumping rain on us. "But I love you."
"I'm strange?" I repeated. "Last week I caught you about to eat a urinal cake."
"I thought it was a giant candy tablet..." He mumbled.
"You found it in a bathroom." I laughed.
"I was drunk, okay?" He muttered. "You've done stupid things drunk too."
"Not that bad." I rolled my eyes.
He gave me a dull look. "You once spent half an hour kissing a doorknob."
"Oh, sorry, is that what those D's in your name stand for?" I joked.
He smiled and charged at me. I dashed off through the grass, laughing. It didn't take him long to catch up to me and tackle me to the ground.
Knowing we'd be clean when we left the simulation, I made no attempt to stop when we started rolling around in the mud.
"Alright, c'mon." I chuckled after a while.
I took his hand and pulled him up. The mud disappeared as soon as we moved away from the puddle. We sat down on the bench, clean but still soaking wet.
"As you've probably guessed—" He began.
"I know perfectly well by now that you won't leave until some kind of sexual activity has taken place." I nodded. "My only concern is that we're soaking wet on a park bench."
"Why d'you think I made it so wide?" He chuckled.
I hadn't noticed in the dark that the bench was easily wide enough to comfortably lie down on. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me.
"You really wanna f*ck on a park bench in the rain?" I chuckled.
"You know damn well that I'm fine anywhere." He grinned.
He took my hand and led me into one of the apartment buildings. Unsurprisingly, they all seemed empty. I was totally expecting him to stop at number 69, but he just walked right past it and up another floor.
"Where are we even going?" I asked.
He said nothing and just led me up to the roof. It wasn't raining anymore and everything, including us, was dry. The sky was clear and, despite the light from the streetlamps below, I could see what had to be millions of stars.
"It's very pretty, but is this really much better than the bench?" I chuckled.
He sat down on the floor with me and pulled me back onto his lap.
"I don't care what we do." He murmured. "Whatever you want's good with me."
"You sure?" I asked. "'Cause I really don't mind—"
He pulled me in and kissed me. I ran my hands through his hair and pretty much completely lost myself. I wasn't aware of anything but the two of us for... I don't even know how long. Could've been a second. Could've been hours. However long it was, I was snapped out of it by a weird zapping noise and a blue light in the corner of my eye, followed by Amber's voice.
"I know you guys are kind of busy right now, but, like, seven different alarms are going off and we should probably run."
I slowly let go of DD and let out a shaky breath.
"Yeah." I stuttered. "We should probably..."
I shook my head quickly to clear it and stood up, following Amber out of the simulation with DD behind me. I was still slightly dazed and my whole brain felt light, distant, and fuzzy. The world was bright and a bit blurry. Everything felt dreamlike and far away. It was hard to focus on reality long enough to follow Amber to the safe room, and DD had to hold my hand and guide me there as I stumbled along behind him.
"Did I break you?" He chuckled as we filed into the room.
I nodded. He led me to a corner and sat down with me in his lap. Amber put a bubble around us, presumably to stop us from spreading our sickness to anyone in case the spell wasn't working anymore. We sat there for a few minutes, talking about what we were gonna eat after this was over while the others sat around the bubble talking about something else that I wasn't paying attention to, then Elizabeth started to look uncomfortable. I paused when I noticed it.
"You alright?" I asked.
She looked up at me, looking scared. Her hands were shaking and she stuttered as she spoke.
"I... think we might have a problem."


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