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(Dave's POV)

While Karen was crying about how we'd supposedly been harassing her all day, a dark grey wolf I immediately recognized as Amber leaped out of the forest and tackled her. I had to act horrified, but in reality I wanted to clap and cheer her on. I didn't even mind all the gore. Once Karen had been sufficiently mauled, Amber retreated to the woods and texted me where to pick her up.

Dave: I'll be there as soon as I can. So proud of you :)
Amber: 😊

Half an hour of chaos later, I finally managed to escape that situation and go meet Amber at the edge of the forest a five-minute walk from where the accident had been. I could tell just by the way she walked that the stress from it all was forcing her to shut down.
"It's gonna be okay." I promised, guiding her away from the woods. "Come on; let's get you something for your shock."
Her eyes were glazed over and she spoke like she was shivering... because she was. By the time we'd gotten to the hospital, she was barely conscious and in full mental breakdown. At one point, her breathing was so shallow I thought she wasn't breathing at all. Because of this, she was taken in quicker than she likely would've been. I held her hand through everything I could, but she was still on a ventilator by the time Dylan arrived. She also looked haunted... like she'd just witnessed her worst fear come true...
"Dave..." Amber croaked, finally gathering the strength to speak. "Are the cats okay? They were in the back of the car..."
"Yeah, yeah, they're both fine." I told her, explaining I'd teleported them to their respective homes after making sure they weren't hurt. She nodded and reached out for Dylan, who went and held her hand for a while. Not long after, she fell back asleep and Dylan turned to me.
"So what happened?" He asked. "Amber's texts didn't make much sense..."
I told him all about Karen and Amber's panic attacks and pretty much everything that'd happened that day. By the end he was silent. He looked over at Amber and I'd never seen him more proud.
"Karen's probably here somewhere." I muttered. "She got beat up pretty bad."
"Do you think she'll blame you guys for the attack?" He wondered.
"Probably, but there are no wolves in England, so I'm not sure what her argument will be." I shrugged.
Since Amber was having so many panic attacks and it was causing her a lot of stress, Dylan attached a little device to her ventilator like Amber'd done with mine, except this one released laughing gas when her breathing and heart rate started getting faster. She didn't necessarily have a reason to be in the hospital other than... you know... the fact that the part of her brain that controlled automatic functions like breathing and heart rate had totally shut down for some reason, but that was enough for the doctor. My guess was that her body was under so much stress that it was just trying to shut down and die. Great.

To my immense amusement, Amber's first words when she woke up again were, "Is a large dildo as effective as a baseball bat when used as a weapon?" and I wish more than anything that I'd recorded it. Dylan's response of, "Depends if it's hard." made it even better. I couldn't decide if I should laugh or be disgusted, so I did both. Once the doctors were sure our hostage was okay, we got to take her home. And we took Amber with us too. However, on the drive home, guess who started following us. Guess. Karen. Did you really expect any other answer? Not only was Karen following us, but an ambulance was following her, meaning she probably broke out of the hospital AMA to follow us. When they got her to pull over, we drove along for about 15 seconds, made a U-turn and went back in her direction. Sure enough, when we pulled into the parking lot next to the road, we saw a bloodied and hospital-gowned Karen fighting three paramedics.
"This is rape!" Karen screamed. "Get away from me or I'll call the cops!"
Amber's gaze hardened. "I wish it was."
I could've sworn I'd heard Amber say multiple times before that she would never wish rape on anyone, so hearing it from her caught me off-guard. She watched the rest of the battle with an amused light in her eyes and chuckled evilly when Karen won and started driving off in the direction we'd gone.
"We can't go home... we wouldn't be safe." I murmured darkly.
"You guys can stay with me in Stockholm." Amber suggested. "Dave, you spend half your time there anyway."
"Can you teleport the car, too?" I asked.
"You really underestimate me." She sighed. "I could teleport the entire UK into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean if I wanted to. It just... would sink down quite a bit."
So she teleported us and the car to Stockholm, showed us places we'd need to know how to get to that I already knew most of, then wandered off on her own.

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