Hex X Whitty ❤️ Part 2 ❤️

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Whitty's pov:

After battling with Hex for about the whole day, we decided to both to go to bed. Since it was on a Sunday we had school tomorrow.


I woke up at 7:00 A.M. and so since school started at 8:30 A.M. I had an hour and a half to get ready for the day, but with my lazy (depressed looking) self I stayed in bed for another half hour which meant I only had an hour to get ready. I groaned as I finally got myself out of bed and went to go brush my teeth. As I was putting my clothes on I noticed Hex was running towards the building of the school and I wanted to walk with him since after the break up with that girl I kinda lost of all of my friends, so Hex was my only friend at this point.

(They live in apartments :0)

I got what I was wearing yesterday and ate some cereal. I was walking to the school building when I saw Hex waiting for someone. I thought he was waiting for another friend of his and so I just ignored him and went inside, but then someone shouted my name.

"WHITTY!!" Hex yelled.

"Ah uhm yes?"

"I've been waiting for you since 7:32 A.M.!"

"Oh wait what time is it?" I said checking my phone, but it was only 7:45 A.M. "Bruh it's only been like 15 minutes or something."

"Actually it's been 13 minutes!"

"Whatever, nerd."

"Hey!" Hex said a little mad. It kinda looked funny in my opinion.

"Oh oops my bad. I didn't mean that." I chuckled.

"But anyways, it felt longer. Sorry for making a big deal out of it."

"It's good. Wait so why were you waiting for me in the first place?"

"I have no friends."

"What about Boyfriend and Girlfriend?"

"Oh well, I don't really talk to them anymore. I think they're ignoring me because of what happened the other day." Hex said looking a little sad towards the end.

"Hey! It's okay! Sorry I brought it up, but I'm here now right?"

"Yeah! That's all that matters now!"

(Hex and Whitty walk in the building and Hex goes to his locker and Whitty follows. ALSO, I KNOW THIS IS SO CLICHE RIGHT NOW, I'M HAVING TROUBLE WHAT TO THINK OF RIGHT NOW. 😭)

"So Hex, do you have any plans tonight?"

"Boy if I have like zero friends, what makes you think I'm busy?" Hex says chuckling at the end.

"What about family? Jobs? You know, other stuff besides friends."

"Oh well, family, I just gotta call my mom at least once or else she'll send a whole search party after me and for jobs, well I don't have one as of right now. My family payed for my college stuff and all that mumbo jumbo, and also left me some cash before leaving, so maybe I should get a job soon. Thanks for reminding me, Whitty!" He smiled at the end. It was kinda cute seeing him smile. Even though he smiles 24/7, which isn't a problem or anything. I just like it when he's happy. It makes me happy as well.

"Anytime, Hex!"

(Ngl I feel like I'm making Whitty more nicer than he should be tbh.)

Just then that's when my ex was walking to the classroom towards the door and she looked at me. I didn't know what to do, so I awkwardly just snatched Hex and took a selfie with him and me. Luckily they left while I looked at it.

"Whitty! You didn't tell me you liked selfies!" Hex laughed.

Oh I kinda forgot that I took a picture with Hex. Ironic because I was looking at Hex in the selfie, too.

"Oh I don't. I just did that to distract myself from what we talked about yesterday."

"Oh my bad. I'll be aware that when they are around you'll do something crazy."

"Well not crazy, but something to distract me away from it."

"Well we can just away together or something."

I don't know why, but hearing the words "together" made me feel special. Especially to Hex.

"Y-Yeah! We could do that or something." I said a tiny bit heating up (A.K.A. Blushing).

"Well Whitty it's time for class so c'mon!" Hex said grabbing my arm and pulling my through the crowd to math class. My least favorite. (In this story Whitty hates math.) Hex sat in the front of the class, while I sat in the back. I don't know why, but throughout the entire class I couldn't stop looking at Hex, until the teacher called my name.

"And Mr. Whitty what is the answer to this question?" It caught me so off guard I didn't know what to say, so I said: "I don't know, sir."

"You don't know? So what were you doing this entire time I was teaching this lesson?"

"Absolutely nothing." I smiled.

"You know what, you get detention for that." I shrugged it off, but some people actually started writing things down after he said that last part: "Is anyone else not paying attention?" He then went to call on the next student on the other side of me, but that's when I noticed Hex was looking at me for a split second and then turned back to write down his notes. I felt kinda guilty now because of Hex's disappointment, so I decided to actually start writing notes down. The rest of the day went by slow, but I managed to go through it without anymore trouble. I had to stay there at the school for about an hour and in the meantime I did some homework for once and I was 45 minutes into doing it until I noticed a figure in the hallway. It was Hex! He made a signal that I think meant that he was going to wait for me until it was over. I finished my homework in the next 10 minutes and decided to sit down in my chair just doing absolutely noting for 5 minutes. The minutes felt like forever, but when it was over I packed everything up and went straight to the hall. Hex was waiting for me near the entrance and I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Oh my gosh Hex I am so sorry for making you disappointed in me! I'm sorry." A tiny tear came out of my left eye and Hex hugged back.

"Hey! It's okay! I'm just glad that you didn't get into more trouble." Hex reassured. I felt like a mess and I just wanted to be with Hex at this point.

"Can we go to your place?" I asked sleepily.

"Oh uh of course! Anything for my friend!"

I groaned at that sentence and when we made it inside I flopped on the couch. I felt bad for being such a drag and not being polite, but that hour of working straight took so much energy out of me I couldn't comprehend what happened afterwards.

"Hex I am so sorry for being a mess. C-Could you lay down with me?" I asked not realizing what I said.

"Oh uhm" (He started blushing) "You sure you don't want food or anything?" Hex asked.

"No, I just want you."

"Oh uhm okay then." (At this point Hex was full red because he was laying down with his only friend on his couch and they ended up falling asleep once it got quiet. Awww, just imagine Hex and Whitty sleeping together. ❤️)

To be continued.

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