1. The debate

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"So..." Dr Blanchard pauses, looking at our small but very skillful class. He takes a stroll in front of the whiteboard before leaning against it with his back. "What is a neuropsychological evaluation?" Our hands reach for the sky, an easy question but im positive something difficult is to expect, he's very much like that, Mark, start off soft, then increase the severity slowly.

"Lillian" He nods towards me. 

"A neuropsychological evaluation consists of three components, eh... First is a review of medical and other records." I hold up one finger and add more as I continue "Second is an interview and third is administration of tests that measure ones mood and abilities. Its used to evaluate if the persons cognitive or emotional functioning has changed so that we can give recommendations surrounding work, home and family" 

"Very well miss Torres" His warm, blue eyes gives me the greatest praise before he continues.

"What causes amnesia?" A deep voice can be heard from the back and I throw a glance over my shoulder. Herman, a tall, black man with his nose deep in a book "Shock Therapy" by Edward Shorter and David Healy. His long legs straight, the right one over the left as he leans back comfortably in his seat. He never once look up whilst waiting for an answer. Dr Blanchard sigh and I turn my face back forward, his index finger and thumb are massaging his nose bridge. 

"Well... Damage to the hippocampus or the maxillary bodies could be a cause but illnesses, seizures, emotional shocks, drug abuse among other things might be the cause as well, but Mr Carter, this is not the the discussion we're having at the moment so could you please put the book down and pay full attention in my class?"

We; me and the other four students in the classroom look between the two. Carters brows lower at the same time as he lets the book drop to his thighs, a careless expression on his features. A large nose, full lips, a strong, clean jaw similar to his shaved head. Two dark brown orbs meet our teacher's and its a stare off.

"Dr Blanchard, you should be aware that im ahead of my fellow classmates, no?" Herman speaks, his energy to the point of terrifying but im slowly getting used to it, unlike others, he scares everyone away with this aura.

"Yes but that doesnt mean-"

"So im spending time doing things to further educate myself, is that wrong of me?" Herman cocks a brow, his demeanor inexpugnable, taunting, challenging.

"N-no but-" 

"Then may I proceed with my book?"

They stare at each other, Dr Blanchard is too kind to keep arguing and Herman isnt wrong. He's one of the top students here at Yale and the top of our class. He only truly pay attention in projects that interest him which is mostly behavioral science and the brain functions but lately he has also gotten a huge interest in ECT. His engagement is a joy to behold when it happens and he's rather popular among the teachers for his dedication. Everything is easy to him even though it bores him. Mr Stamper, another teacher who also happens to be Hermans mentor has especially taken a liking to the odd male.

"Why are you even in the classroom if you dont have to be here?" Frederic scoffs and shakes his head in disbelief over the discussion. His blonde hair sways from side to side and his blue eyes meet Hermans with a challenge. Frederic Smith, your typical rich man's son. The only reason he's here is because his parents gave him expensive private lessons as a child, but dont get me wrong, he's not all that bad but he do have a tendency of saying the wrong things which make some people view him as a bully. Herman is not an exception and as he get up from his seat, his impressive height comes forth as intimidating but Frederic's gaze doesnt falter.

"Fine" Herman straighten his back with pride and leaves the room with long strides, the book under his arm, the white lab coat flows around his long limbs. When the door closes behind him the room bathes in an awkward energy.

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