4. Good and bad doctor

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The next day we; some hungover - others better off, are transferred with a bus from the school grounds towards Lery's memorial institute. The drive is long and the bus is quiet, most are sleeping, except for Frederic who is teasing the shit out of  Marcus. The building appears in front of us in the shady afternoon like a massive white mountain. Its walls pale, big windows, at least three stories tall and old looking. In general it doesnt look very inviting and for a second I question if we are even in the right place, however, the way Mr Stamper walks off the bus tells me otherwise, his steps light with an odd spring in them, like he's excited, how unusual. I notice Blanchard eyeing him as well; thinking the same.

After we have received more information regarding the project and once more gone through our contracts we are stripped of our possessions before we enter the facility, the only things we get to keep are change of clothes. There are many corridors and I have lost track of my whereabouts by the time we enter the area where the experiment will take place. It looks a lot like some old hospital, long corridors with many different doors, stairs and elevators. Its quiet, perhaps we are the only people in the entire building and its unsettling.

We are all quiet when we take in our surroundings. There is one big open room in center with tables, chairs and some sort of a kitchen to the left. The toilet is on the right and in every corner there is a door leading somewhere new and unexplored. I hesitate as we follow Mr Stamper through one of the doors and enter the room where we will be staying for the coming month. The room is narrow and dark with cells in a row on one side. The cells each have very uncomfortable looking beds, a toilet and a sink. There are walls separating the cells but that's all the privacy we get. There are no windows, the only light is from three buzzing fluorescent lights in the ceiling. This will be a challenge but the thought of the reward keeps me hopeful, it wont be life threatening and we have contracts to keep us safe. I dont trust Stamper but I do trust Blanchard, although he looks a bit worried as he follow in Stampers heels which isnt like him.

Mr Stamper gives each of us a paper note once we are place in our cells, everyone except for Herman and James who remain on the other side of the door. Everyday we will be put through an interrogation, every other day with James who are supposed to act like the good doctor and the other days with Herman as the bad one. On the notes there is a word that we must keep as a secret, James and Hermans job is to get that word out of us, somehow.
Its a mental practice, not to budge, to be stable, to reflect and analyze behavior and words, to take notes on what changes during our time here and so forth. A study of the human brain but we are the guniea pigs.
If the interrogators manage to get the word out of us, the experiment is over and we are not to show or tell anyone the word we have been given. As I unfold mine it reveals "Flower", I chuckle a little, funny, considering that people call me Lilly [Lily] which is a flower.

Mr Stamper and Dr Blanchard takes their leave and we are left alone in the silent and dark room. I would've felt like a real prisoner if it wasnt for the sudden change of energy in the room. Frederic starts singing next to me. His voice echoes between the empty walls, it urges me to stand up from the hard mattress and lean against the bars to hear him better.

"You suck" I hear Marcus mumble on the other side.

"Shut up!" Frederic spits back and continues, this time louder and more false. I laugh along with Mia. Maybe this wont be such a nightmare after all? We have quite a strong connection in our class despite our differences so that we will be doing this together is a huge comfort.

Date: 1/9-2023. 

Name: Lillian Cecilia Torres

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