10. Upgrades

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The joy of not being alone and seeing the outside of the room quickly turns into despair and fright as I lay my eyes on the man in the doorway. He has... changed. His lab coat seem like it has been burnt, in its places its turned into holes; exposing his skin and thats where it gets unsettling, there are cables running in and out of his skin like a snake hiding in a pile of leaves, where they enter and exit the skin is scarred and black like coal. And his eyes, widened and brighter, like his iris has been bleached; making them appear almost glowing.

The sight makes me shy back into the room again, all desperation to get out of this forsaken place wash away as I see him and I wish he would just close the door again. As he lock eyes with me I swear I can see electricity spark from his limbs but I dont trust my mind enough to actually believe it.

"What..." My throat tightens, the sounds barely escapes my room and I back off even further as he takes a step towards me.

"Its an upgrade." His voice is filled with pride.

"This is madness.." I swallow thickly, loosing my grip of reality and question if this isnt just a dream - but as he grips my arm and drags me out I know its very much real, I just wish it wasnt. His touch seem warmer than normal, my eyes get stuck on his mutilated arms, why would anyone do this to themselves? I force my head away from the gruesome sight and instead focus on moving as I am forced to stumble after him. For how long was I in there for? The walls around me seem to be closing in and the hallway seem endless. Fear enter like lightning on a tree as we move closer to my old prison and I plant my feet on the floor; wishing I was stronger but he moves as if I weighted nothing more than a feather. How much weight have I lost?

"This time has given me the opportunity to find the perfect limit that wont kill.. just... change" He speaks to himself with enthusiasm, his eyes shine a bit brighter.

"No! no!" I whimper as he throws me inside the room. I struggle to keep myself standing but scramble away from him as soon as I regain my footing.

"Stop moving" He orders and I feel electricity enter my body. The confusion stuns me; forcing me to a halt, what just happened?

"What.." Before I can finish my head feel as though its been kicked by a horse and I fall to the floor, shortly loosing my vision. Did that just appear out of thin air? Do I have anything connected to me? I look at my body but cant see anything, after raising my head towards him a shiver runs down my spine. Its coming from him? 

"You are a monster" I gasp. I must surely be dreaming, this cant be real, my mind is playing tricks on me, it must be.

"I am".

I open my eyes and stare up at a white ceiling. The lights blinding, buzzing slightly in the silence.

I... Where am I? My mind feels . I turn my head and blink a few times, a white room, hospital? My eyes are glazed over, everything is a blur, I wanna rub away the sleep but im stuck, my arms and legs are tied to a table, I can only slightly lift my torso but quickly give up as my abs cant carry me. A noise to my right grabs my attention and I stare as a door opens, someone is coming. When I see his contours im filled with mixed emotions, one part of me feels like he's familiar, like he's someone I know and it ease my nervs and slows my heartbeat, another part of me whispers that the man getting closer is potential danger. The whispers fade as I take in his appearance, he seems to be a doctor, I do remember how a doctor looks, his long, white coat floating around his legs I recognize from somewhere, his face however, it doesnt seem normal, or are my eyes glowing as well? He walks around me where I lie, he appears to be waiting for something but im not sure what.

"Who are y-?"


I lift my brows as we speak at the same time.

"Who?" I question, he moves until he towers over me, his peculiar eyes staring at me; reading me, somewhere in the back of my head I feel like I should know his name but I have even forgotten my own.

"Do I know you?" I continue and he straightens his back with a wild grin.

"Looks like I finally cracked you" He chuckles.

"Why am I tied?" I start to move my arms and legs; testing the restraints but they dont budge.

"Stay still Flower, I will untie you" He speaks. 

"My name is Flower?" I question, searching my memories for a recognition but dont succeed, its an odd name. I follow his hands as he frees me but I flinch as I spot the shape they're in, they look to be burn damaged? His fingertips black, scarred.

"Yes" Its a short but clear answer. I follow dark veins and catch a glimpse of his arms through the sleeves and what I see makes me widen my eyes, I reach to touch the cables imbedded in his skin but stop mid motion out of pain, my muscles are tense and my wrist red and scrubbed raw from my restraints, did I struggle at some point? He tilts his head to question my action.

"Doesnt that hurt?"

"No" I look up to meet his eyes.

"What is your name?" I ask without removing my eyes from his.

"Call me doctor." I tilt my head to the side and I notice his lips twitch. He hums and moves back, gesturing for me to move off the table. I hiss through my teeth as I throw my legs over the edge and sits up. His extended hand seem inviting since I dont want to fall flat on my face so I place my hand in his, a soft spark runs over from his skin and up my arm, it doesnt hurt but I lift my gaze again, unsure of why he seem to be electric but he only nods somewhat impatient.  As soon as my feet touch the floor pain grow in every part from my toes, hips and up to my back and I fall but he quickly grabs me and hoists me up to a standing, his hands around my waist until my balance is back, his hands are big. I feel like im going to faint but breathe through it. 

"Thank you" I breathe, fighting the nausea. 


"Yeah but..." He watches me with curiosity, like he's reading my every move "Why am I in a hospital?" He thinks for a while.

"You have a condition..." It sounds like a lie but why would a doctor lie? 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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