5. Torture

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I wake up to the sound of sniffles. Before I can even open my eyes I am struck by pain. My head is aching, my nostrils feel clogged, I cant breathe from them. I let out a raspy moan of agony as I pry my eyes open then instantly wish I had kept them closed. We are all here; Mia, Marcus and Frederic, sitting in a circle, all tied to chairs with ropes so tightly they cut off circulation, I quickly realize that I am as well, my arms tied behind my back and my legs tightly together. I dont spot James anywhere and as Herman steps into the circle with a straight back and unfazed expression I fear that he might already be dead.

"Wh-" Herman interrupts me with a shush and let his gaze wander over us all. Mias face is swollen and her eyes red from crying. Marcus got a black eye, Frederic has also been crying but now he is biting his lower lip to stop it from shivering, chin held high, still proud. Herman doesnt say a word as he walks away only to return with a table on wheels, on top there are different surgical tools placed on a metal tray and on the lower shelf some sort of generator with cables and clamps connected to it. We watch in silence as he fumbles with the tools. Im trying my hardest to keep an innocent mind and not imagine what is going to happen... But I fail and I feel the fear sink into my skin like fingernails into butter.

"Now, who do we start with?" Herman speaks, his voice make us all twitch as it cuts through the silence.

"Why are you doing this?" Marcus asks, his tone challenging, eyes narrowed at the taller classmate.

"Why? To push the limits of psychology" He speaks as he walks closer to Marcus "This whole experiment was an utter joke, a failure, I took my own liberty." His steps are heavy as he continues around the circle, he stops in front of me but I keep my head lowered, eyes glued to the floor.

"Oh Lilly" He speaks, my name on his lips fills me with dread, I feel as if my heart stopped in my chest. "Lift your face." I reluctantly do as he says. "You understand right? That I need this freedom, freedom away from any morality or ethics."

I shake my head frantically. 

"Please... dont hurt me" I plead.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." He lifts a piece of leather and forces it into my mouth  and between my teeth, its then tied behind my head. Drool and tears mix as they fall down my face. I sob uncontrollably, scared for my life, scared of pain, questioning why but the words cant come out. I struggle against my restraints as he turns his back towards me and grabs something on the tray.

"Let her go!" Mia shouts "Please stop!"

"You motherfucker" Frederic snarls "You wont get away with this!" 

Herman turns back towards me, I find his brown orbs and beg to be spared, I dont know what I must have done to upset him so... Thats when he jabs a metal rod straight into my thigh.

"Lilly!" I hear someone yell as I scream my heart out. I hear whimpers of fright as I thrash around in panic; trying to free myself but its deemed useless. I look up for a split second and despite the excruciating burning in my leg, I feel sympathy for my classmates, the are forced to watch and I meet their gazes one by one, knowing that they might be next and praying to god, if there is one, that we will be spared...

Carter proceeds to clasp a wire around the rod and I follow it in absolute horror to the generator. As I realize what he's about to do I cry if possibly even more, my eyes locked in his but he doesnt even hesitate, his eyes never leaves mine as his finger turns on the generator with a wild sputter. My body is whacked with electricity as his full lips turn upwards into a mad grin. Every muscle in my body tenses, I cant control anything. I arc my back, my jaw clenches and I bite down on the leather piece so hard that my teeth starts to ache. I feel like the rod is gracing against my bones, burning every nearby blood vessel and the stench of burnt skin starts filling the air.

I feel like im burning up on the inside.

This is how I die?

I dont know how much time has passed, it could've been only a couple of seconds, or minutes? every milli second feels like an eternity and I feel myself loose grip of reality at an frightening speed, then suddenly everything stops and my head falls forward. Im struggling to stay awake, my mind is in a daze but I am alive... I feel the leather in my mouth being untied and I see it fall to the ground through half lidded eyes. A string of drool follows. Is it already over? Or is the worst yet to come? I feel a hand on my shoulder that pushes me up so that I come face to face with Hermans wild and satisfied grin, his pearly whites on display as he's crouching on the dirty floor in front of me. He's a monster, a tall one at that, even sitting down he's taller than me, did he always have this darkness inside him? 

"So... Lillian... would you be kind to tell me the word? I truly do not want to set you on fire just yet but I wont hesitate if you arent co-operating with me." He havent blinked this entire time. Does he hold a grudge against us all? I know that Frederic can be a straight up idiot at times but to this extent? 

"I-" My voice is low, weak and I start to fall out of consciousness when im abruptly pulled back when Carter grabs the rod and yanks it out of my leg. Something warm splatters up on my face and I let out a long whimper between sealed lips.

"Flower! Its flower..."  I cry out and close my eyes from the overwhelming pain. Just breathe through it, breathe!

"Flower? Oh how fitting" He gets to a standing, the rod in his hand, blood drips from it to the floor, how wicked to see my own body fluids "I'll have fun with you later, dont pass out on me." Before he turns away he grips ahold of my injured leg and squeezes, I scream but it only mixes with his entertained laugh, there is no mercy and I suddenly miss home, will I ever get home? 

"You're mad!" I scream as the never ending tears soaks my shirt, some of them slip into my mouth and I can taste the salt and iron on my tongue.

"So it may seem." He chuckles.

I fall in and out of consciousness during the next couple of minutes.. or hours... I wake up into a nightmare. I seem him hurt my friends very badly, he electrocutes them, hits them, cuts them... I dont understand how they can be awake... or alive? There is so much blood on the floor... Their screams haunts my soul, breaks me, they scream in a way I have never heard anyone scream before, blood curling, heart breaking... Frederic pisses himself as he is wacked with electricity and Herman laughs out of spite.

"Limits are for sheep, not for shepherds" He mumble as he hurts them over and over. In-between he asked them for the word, at this point they have all shared; Flower, Griffin, Snake and Cheetah, yet he doesnt show any sign of stopping soon. The experiment should be over, I thought maybe he just lost control out of frustration? But his goal seems to be something else.

At some point he placed electrodes on our heads, he shaved theirs but not mine, he gently brushed it aside.

"I should cut it..." He spoke to himself yet seemed to decide against it.

I yell out as I suddenly feel a hand on me. Herman urges my chin up but being too scared to look him in the eyes I turn my head and see Mia collapsed in her chair behind him. Is she even breathing?

"Mia?" I force out but I get no reply.

"Mia!" I yell out louder "please!"

"Your pleads do no use." 

I cant feel my body.

I cant breathe.

I cant even seem to cry anymore.

Not checked for misspelling! I will go over this story later


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