2. The loser has to fall

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"Are you alright Lilly?" I feel James hand on my shoulder, giving it a gentle, encouraging squeeze.

"Yeah, why are you asking?" I stop, we're done for the day and im heading towards the exit.

"I saw how Herman looked at you... and the things he said..."

"I didnt think you'd notice, you seemed very upset" He scratch his nape in embarrassment and sigh, his shoulder slumping and his gaze drops to the floor for a moment.

"Yeah... I never thought I'd loose it like that, im sorry"

"Its okay and im fine, I dont understand why he's like that"

"Because he's a nutcase, did you know he killed and dissected animals as a child?" Frederic adds to our conversation as he comes running behind us. I didnt notice him so his sudden presence makes me flinch a little.

"You're not helping" James scolds him.

"Isnt that just a rumor?" I question and turn towards my blonde classmate.

"There's a hint of truth in rumors" He titters and proceeds to walk past us and disappear down the hallway. I look after him, he'll get in trouble one day, that's for sure.

"I heard he killed his parents" Marcus comes up from behind, making me flinch a second time.

"Not you too" I sigh, maybe Herman is just misunderstood? You cannot like everyone... 

"Where is Mia by the way?" I try to change the topic and start to look around. She usually likes to chat for a bit after classes.

"She went home early, she had to babysit again" Marcus continues, his curly hair bounces as we start to walk again, his hazel eyes calm. "I wonder what Otto and Herman's relationship is..." He continues.

"Otto?" I question.

"Mr Stamper" He find my eyes for a split second.

"I didnt know his name was Otto, it doesnt fit his... eum..."

"His bad vibes?" James fills in and I nod. Mr Stamper always walks with pride and his eyes filled with recklessness, somehow. "I was wondering that too"

"What do you think they talked about?" 

"A bird whispered in my ear that we're going to be transferred somewhere" Marcus says.

"Transferred? Where?" I ask.

"I dont know, for some sort of experiment I assume"

"Hm..." James hums and his brows lower into a frown "If Mr Stamper is the one in charge then it cant be good..."

As I kick off my shoes mom pops her head out from the kitchen, almost instantly Chip, our massive, black Newfoundland dog comes waddling to greet me. I crouch down to pet his head and mom smiles from the doorway.

"Lunch is almost ready" She tells me before disappearing again. Its just me and Mia who still lives with our parents. I have looked for a place of my own but it has been difficult, either its too expensive or the living space abnormally small, I'd rather live here than in a wardrobe and the door rooms at Yale isnt tempting even though they're nice and clean. Marcus and James live in different suite's with other students. Frederic has his own "fancy" apartment, which doesnt surprise me the slightest.

"Where's dad?" I ask as I take a seat by the dinner table and watch as she rinse through some salad in the sink. Chip lies down by my feet, or more like on top of them... I think he forgets how big he is sometimes.

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