8. Flower

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I slide off the operating table so that its in between us, I take any sort of protection against this man... or monster. My eyes dash to both sides of the room and sure, there are things I might be able to use but nothing within my reach. Our stare down is odd to say the least with Abba as some sort of wicked theme song in the background. I know what he is trying to do and he might even succeed.

He moves towards me, a smirk on display and his intentions very clear.

"If you are a good girl I will let you eat" He says. Just the thought of food makes my stomach rumble loudly and I try to figure out when the last time was that I actually ate? Herman had already reduced the amount of food we got during the experiment. As he walks closer I notice spots scattered on his coat, dark red, blood? The realization makes my stomach twist uncomfortably and the hunger is washed away and changed to disgust.

"Why..." I can barely say it, bile threatens to rise as I speak "the blood?" 

"He refused to cooperate" He smiles and I shy back a little bit. He? Who? Herman moves after me and I side step around the operation table to keep it between us at all times. I can feel the scent of iron as he moves after me and I feel my limbs grow stiff. I know there is no reason to beg, no reason to talk or plead. I am completely at his mercy.

He manage to catch up as the fear immobilizes me. I try to refuse but im scared the torture will be worse if I do.

"Please" I whimper weakly as he forces me to lay down on the table again "For how long are you going to do this to me?" I question. At this point the song have started over, the song which once filled me with memories of warm summer nights with my sister is exchanged to hopelessness and desperation. 

"Until I have fixed you."

"How am I broken?"

"You are not broken more than in the way that you fear me, I will change that." He replies.

"If you want someone to not fear you this is not the way to go about, you can just be... good" I argue.

"When the good and bad formed, the humans closed their minds" He speaks as he straps me in tightly "Moralistic thinking is in the process of disappearing. To try and understand how things work rather than classify them as good or bad is something to prefer." 

"Society has boundaries so that humans can live together, if everyone went around breaking the social structures the world would be in chaos, wrong and bad is a necessity in a working community."

"I disagree." His hand lands on my thigh, right below where he hurt me, I flinch from his touch. "It will all be worth it in the end, I will make you perfect." His eyes find mine.

"I dont wanna turn out like James" I sniffle as the images flash by in my head.

"Oh you wont my dear flower, James was a test to see how far would be too far, I quite literally fried his brain!" Herman laughs, his voice bounce between the walls and mixes with the song set on repeat. Without missing a beat he forces the rubbery thing in between my teeth again and before I have time to even prepare myself I feel my body be invaded by electricity. He stops only to ask questions.

"What is your name?"

"Lillian Cecilia Torres" I reply as fast as I can, thinking its what he wants since he had me repeat it yesterday.

"Wrong answer." He makes me bite down on the piece again, I raise my brows in confusion, wrong? How is it - my thoughts are interrupted by the current.

"What is your name?!" He yells out, the song in the background has become distorted in my ears.

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