7. Nightmare

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Im roughly pushed forward and fall to my knees, tiles scrapes my knees bloody through my pants. I hear a door close and lock behind me and quickly rip the bag off my face. Im in a hospital room. The walls are white to the point of blinding and the operation table in the middle is spotless clean. Unused. There is not much else in here, a file cabinet in the corner, some operating tools on a metal table, a chair, a sink with a mirror above and lastly an open door to a bathroom.

More importantly, there's no Herman.

I stand up, the wound on my thigh hurts, I think it started bleeding again from all the manhandling. Im limping as I start pacing around the room; trying to find something useful, a weapon, something to pick the door with, anything. There is a scalpel, I take it even though I dont feel very tempted to use violence against another human being... But im desperate. The fear is temporarily exchanged to determination and adrenaline.
I step into the bathroom with my ears tensed, ready to do whatever necessary if Herman returns. I feel my heart sink to my stomach as I see myself in the mirror. There is blood splattered all over my skin, my neck, my cheeks... I leave the scalpel on the sink then quickly and frantically wash my face with warm water; scrubbing it until its red. Its not my blood... When I look back up I am yet again struck by the feeling of hopelessness. I look tired, my eyes red, circles under my eyes as dark as when you cry with mascara on and I lost some weight... 

"Shit..." I mumble to myself. I tear my eyes away and leave even though taking a shower would also be nice... I dont feel like trying to get comfortable and I dont wanna be caught naked.
I limp over to the door and wait with my back against the wall. My breathing becomes strained as I imagine using the sharp tool in my hand, maybe im still scared... Can I really hurt him?

I wait for what feels like an eternity, my eyelids threaten to fall when there's suddenly footsteps outside the door, I shake my head to wake myself up and raise the scalpel. I dont care if I hurt him, I dont care... I dont care... As the door is unlocked my heart is beating so hard in my chest im afraid it will tear out like a chestbuster. As his tall shape enters the room I freeze, taken back by his size and calm demeanor. He is wearing a white lab coat, it makes him look all the scarier... My hand is shaking in the air as he slowly turns his head towards me. His eyes moves between me and my weapon of choice a few times before he slowly grabs it from me.

"I knew you didnt have it in you." He speaks.

"Fuck you." My voice comes out a lot weaker than what I intended, I cant help it, the apprehension is stronger than my confidence.

"Dont bark if you cant bite" He chuckles. I purse my lips together and back away from him, he takes my distance as a challenge and moves after me.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask as he backs me up against the wall.

"Scientific revolutions tend to emerge not from a sudden discovery but by asking better questions." He replies, I recognize the quote.

"That's Barret." Lisa Feldman Barret, I have her poster in my room. Herman grins. It feels odd, he is my classmate and thats the only reason he knows that quote but here we are in.. some place? im injured and is probably awaiting my doom by his hands... What went wrong? 

"I asked myself the question; what if you can change a person? Or make them better? You may call it a customized human evolution. Have I caught your interest yet?"

"Is that what you did to James?" I swallow thickly, James eyes are stuck in my head. Herman destroyed his whole being, soul and self and now he is dead.

"I thought I'd give it a go and lo and behold" He throws his arms out in the air "I succeeded with something no one else has ever done before."

"But you did it by hurting others, our classmates... you killed them" I argue.

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