☁️ 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨 ☁️

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{A/N: Hey there! This is just a warning before you read this chapter, there's gonna be mentions of blood along with some slight violence in this chapter}


"18...12...14..." CLICK! "Yes, got it!"

It's been a week since me and Jongin's blowup and we haven't spoken to each other ever since. I'm just sick of this distance, and really, just all of this crazy stuff in general, and I feel awful for what happened. So, I figured that I'd make a sweet gesture to try and make up with him... again. Ugh, hopefully there are no interruptions this time. But anyways, I cooked him spaghetti with meatballs, but in the shape of little bears. Simple, but cute!

I asked Mrs. Bae— the teacher that's been subbing for Dr. Kim ever since the... accident— to use the restroom as a way to sneak and put it in his locker.

"Right here is a good spot. Top shelf, makes it noticeable," I say to myself, about to walk off when suddenly—

"I don't know dude, something about all of that just seems suspicious."

"I know what I saw Baekhyun!"

Oh no, those are Jongin and Baekhyun's voices! I need to hide!

Seeing nowhere else to hide, I hook the lock back on the locker and impulsively jump in, shutting the door, and burying myself beneath a couple of jackets.

"I'm telling you Jongin, I think you really need to get her side of the story! I don't think Y/N would just up and cheat on you like that!" I hear Baekhyun say.

"Mmm, I don't know Baek, I mean, Jongin was there, he knows what he saw," I hear a third voice, Chanyeol reply... Chanyeol?? But he's known me longer than the other two. How could he think I would do something like this?

A third voice, Jongin's, snaps me out of my thoughts. "Exactly Chanyeol, I saw her kissing him with my own two eyes! And you know what? I don't care, if she wants to go back to that asshole, then..."

"...Woah, Jongin calm down. Your eyes are turning red and—"

"...I smell her..."

And in a split second, the flimsy locker door is snatched open, and through a peep hole between the jackets, I can see the faint light from the hallway and the three of them standing in front of the locker.

Oh God, he's gonna bite me, I think fearfully, attempting to further conceal myself by trying to back farther into the tiny locker, only to be met with its cool metal wall.

"Yeah... I do too— oh!" I see Baekhyun reach in and grab the tupperware bin with the spaghetti. "Heh, false alarm, this just has her scent on it."

"Pfft, 'We need to talk beary soon'," Jongin scoffs, reading the small note out loud. "No way, but I'm eating the pasta though."

"See? She's making an effort to talk things out! You should accept it!" Baekhyun insists.

Yes, keep it up Baek! Maybe just a little bit more persuading will do the trick!

"Baekhyun it's no use, she did what she did and Jongin is rightfully angry about it. Just drop it."


"Exactly," Jongin responds. "Heh, ya know, it's funny, it's like I had this feeling that something was... off before I even caught them."

"Oh? 'Feeling'? What do you mean?" Baekhyun asks.

"Ehh, I don't know, but I felt this weird, fuzzy feeling in my head, and it was like I was pulled to where they were."

"Jongin... that's the feeling that vampires get when their instincts tell them that their mate is about to be in danger," Baekhyun says.

❣️ 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 | 𝐤.𝐣𝐢 ❣️Where stories live. Discover now