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"DCI Joanne Davidson?" A sharp yet soft voice pierced through the silence of the room.

DI Kate Fleming had recently transferred to the Murder Investigation Team, having previously been a part of an anti-corruption unit, the well known AC-12. She was apprehensive to be introduced to her new boss but a large part of her was excited for the change.

However, she wasn't expecting a shorter woman who's hair effortlessly rested on her shoulders, a natural curl emphasising her jawline to emerge from her office. She opted for a side parting, which was less common, something Kate had recently observed when her gaze wandered to other women.

She automatically acknowledged that her boss had been a detective for a considerable while, if the permanent darkening under her eyes that even vast amounts of concealer couldn't hide were anything to go by. Despite the visible stress that bathed her entire expression, Kate had to admit to herself, the woman was stunning, extraordinarily so.

"Hello, can I help you?" Scottish. As if she wasn't swept off her feet enough. Kate joined the police force for the diversity and ability to work with anyone and everyone, so accents never failed to impress her.

"I'm DI Kate Fleming, I'm new to the unit." She politely extended her hand, which her boss accepted with a smile. Her handshake was firm yet also surprisingly comforting.

"Pleasure to meet you Kate. I think we will enjoy working together." Clearly she meant within the station but Kate couldn't resist the small smile that crept onto her lips.

"I agree. Where can I start?" She knew there wouldn't be any large cases immediately, since murder wasn't as common as television shows portrayed.

"Sergeant Jatri will be able to assist you through your first day. We are currently investigating the murder of a Mr Hadland but it seems almost blindingly obvious that it was his wife." Kate could have sworn she saw the brunette roll her eyes and darted her eyes elsewhere as not to laugh.

"Thank you, boss." She kept her reply simple and made her way over to the vacant desk, slipping her coat onto the back of the chair and handbag onto the floor.

"So you're the newbie?" A younger woman spun her chair to face the inspector.

"That would be me, are you Sergeant Jatri?" She already knew the answer, as she was the only other woman in the station, besides her boss.

"I am. I'm assuming Davidson assigned you to me for your first day?" Kate had been on the force long enough to automatically analyse body language and she could see that the woman opposite her clearly had an interest in their boss.

"You would be correct. She said something about a marriage murder." Kate hadn't intended to mumble, it was simply that her mind was currently elsewhere, a place it shouldn't be. Before allowing it to wander any further, she diverted her undivided attention to the woman in front of her and began one of many tedious days investigating the nature of an affair that had gone too far.


Jo immediately retired to the comfort of her office after her introduction with the new detective. She had absorbed the younger woman's features  immediately, which she pinned on her detective's nature and they became imprinted within her mind for the remainder of the day.

What had drawn the inspector to this particular detective? She couldn't place it. However, she knew she had to shake the thoughts from her mind and continue her day as if nothing had happened. Nothing had happened.

Turning the key into the lock of her girlfriend's house, she called out her name as she shuddered at the sudden warmth. Despite commuting by car, the short walks in the bitter February evening air were deeply unpleasant.

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