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Upon arriving at the station the next morning, Jo was intercepted by Buckells. She had observed Farida talking to him and assumed something had happened.

"What's going on with Farida Jatri?" He asked, clearly in one of his impatient moods.

"I was about to ask the same Sir." Jo began but was cut off before she could continue.

"She just handed in a transfer request... personal reasons." This sent a shiver through Jo's spine. She knew their relationship had been terminated on rough grounds but didn't expect the woman to just get up and leave.

The DSU's voice became muffled as Jo began to consider what her next steps would be. She mustered up some nonsense about drafting a glowing reference for the PS, in the attempt to make her someone else's problem. Farida wasn't a risk but it kept the suspicion off her own back.

She continued on with her day, discounting many useless leads before she finally caved and called it quits. As she made her way to the backstreet where she kept her car, she immediately spotted Farida loitering around a corner. Her hood was pulled over her head, suggesting something suspicious but Jo simply discounted it as obsessive behaviour again.


Kate had received a text from Steve, demanding they meet in an underpass to discuss next steps. This unnerved the DI deeply, she didn't want to betray her best friend but there was no hope in hell she would rat on her boss. 'That would be career suicide.' She convinced herself, shielding from the full truth.

Nonetheless, she traipsed to their meeting point and plastered a smile on her face. It could at least be an opportunity to obtain some useful information that she could feed back to Jo.

"Alright?" She called out once Steve emerged into view.

The conversation immediately turned when he informed the DI that they would be encroaching on the Hill. When she had moved on from anti-corruption, she didn't think it would catch up to her again. At least not this quickly.

He began scoping for information behind Jo's motives and Kate hadn't realised she had snapped until the words escaped her lips.

"Jesus Christ Steve. She's my gaffer, you want me to rat on her?" However, whilst she thought this was the most out of turn contribution to the conversation, she was quickly outdone.

"Gaffer? Are you sure she's not more than that Kate?" Her eyebrows almost hit her forehead as she tried to decipher what Steve was aiming at.

"What's that supposed to mean, mate?" She took a step closer. Whether it was out of curiosity or intimidation, she wasn't sure.

"I was with you the other night Kate. She's all you could talk about. You know we can't use you as evidence if you're getting it off with the woman!" The DI practically stumbled over her feet upon hearing her best friend speak like this.

"Bloody hell Steve. I'm not sleeping with the woman. I don't even like women like that!" Her walls that kept her protected from harm immediately shot up, regardless of the fact it was her best friend she was talking to.

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