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Unwilling to sit with her festering feelings any longer, Jo began tidying her desk in an attempt to leave. She waited until Farida had left the building before dismissing herself and trailing after her.

She made the agonising journey to the house she no longer wanted to see, let alone enter and hauled her suitcase out of the boot.

Unlocking the door with the keys she was determined to keep, she looked around anxiously before closing the door behind her. She was now potentially in an enclosed space with her psychotic ex girlfriend. She sighed.

She took another step, glancing into the kitchen to be met with Farida.

"I thought we agreed you'd be out." The DCI huffed, frustrated that once again, she'd been ignored.

"You don't even want to talk about it?" Farida pined, clearly after an apology that she knew she wouldn't be getting.

"We've talked enough." Jo was in no mood to have a pointless chit chat, she was here to get her things, bury the phones and get back out. "I just want to get the last of my things." She reasoned, showing there was a genuine motive behind her visit.

Tears began to beg at Farida's eyes, something Jo inwardly rolled her eyes at.

"I don't want a row Farida. It's over." She knew it was harsh but the arguing wore the DCI down more than the OCG pressure and wanted as far away from it as possible.

She made her way up to the bedroom she had experienced many pleasurable nights in but today forcefully threw her suitcase onto the bed, praying Farida didn't traipse after her.

Of course, luck was not on her side as the woman she declared she had once loved, appeared in the doorway, tail between her legs.

"Farida... please." Jo practically begged for an easy way out of this, silently exasperated that she even had to see the woman any more.

"You moving in with her now?" The question came as a surprise, the mysterious 'her' resurfacing.

"Her?" The 'r' was emphasised again, suddenly brining back memories of the original disagreement.

"Smart money's on Kate Fleming." Farida began to fiddle with the end of her cardigan sleeves as Jo became very uncomfortable. As to hide the potential longing on her face, she opted for a snide comment.

"Kate and I have been shagging on the sly for months. Even though, she's straight and I never cheated on you." Her accent became much thicker as her nerves began to rattle.

"Now I see why you never made detective." Another sarcastic comment slipped into the conversation before she had to the time to stop it.

"Don't patronise me!" Farida shot back, clearly only caring about herself and not the comment made about her relationship with the DI.

"You think you're so fantastic. You think you're so powerful." She spat, as if she knew Jo in any way at all. If she did, she'd know that her comment was very far from the truth, as Jo had very little self belief.

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