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Kate arrived at Jo's office door after an agonising few hours. When she said she had to look over some files, the DCI thought that would take 10 minutes. Alas, she was wrong.

Nevertheless, her nerves were still bouncing with excitement. It wasn't even as if this was their first out of work meeting but the others had been spontaneous and a spur of the moment.

"You ready to go boss?" Her blue eyes shone as Jo met her gaze with a nod.

"Of course, let me just grab my coat and we can get going. I'll follow you there?" Jo deeply disliked not being in control of everything so by allowing Kate to take the reigns this evening, it instilled a slight terror to the DCI.

"Sounds like a plan. It's only about 20 minutes away. It's rather near your flat as I come to think of it." Kate pondered as she leant effortlessly against the door frame.

Jo begged her mind not to wander in that precise moment and instead averted her gaze to the logging off screen in front of her.

"Really? I don't think I've ever had the luxury of going and I've lived here a year." Her laugh was angelic and definitely her favourite attribute but it only appeared when she was in a totally natural environment. Of course that meant it was increasingly frequent with Kate's presence.

Pulling herself to her feet, Jo took her coat from the rail in the corner of her office before slipping it onto her shoulders. Her handbag rested neatly by her chair so she bent down to grab it, noticing Kate direct a not so subtle stare in her direction.

The DCI decided to gloss over it entirely, realising that provoking Kate now could impinge on her evening of deduction... or maybe seduction, dependent on how successful the first part went.

As they approached their cards, Kate made the last minute decision to park outside Jo's apartment. "It's just easier than paying for parking. Plus..." She trailed off before concluding her thoughts. Jo decided to finish them for her.

"If you're too drunk to drive, your oh so lovely boss will just let you crash at her place?" She giggled before slipping into the drivers seat of her car.


Kate had to stop herself from revealing her true motives to the brunette. Of course her mind had impulsively considered the two of them hitting it off tonight and using Jo's apartment for something other than sleep. However, that was just the nerves talking and it wasn't as if she wanted that tonight either. It would be too soon.

They parked outside Jo's apartment as planned before commencing the short journey to Frederico's. Kate had discovered the place when following up on a lead years ago, she'd stopped visiting for a while but it conveniently happened to be close to her new boss' home.

"After you." Kate ushered as they arrived at the entrance. Jo was immediately captivated by the atmosphere it presented and Kate realised she had definitely chosen the right place. Plus it was far enough away from work, so they wouldn't see anyone they knew. 'That was probably why Jo lived in the area.' She deduced.

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