Chapter 8

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I get up before Stefan does and rush downstairs to make him breakfast, as a thank you. Our night was spectacular.

"Mmh, that's a nice surprise," he says when he walks into the kitchen. He has already showered and is dressed for work, but he puts down his bag next to the table and walks over to me. He softly cups my face in his hands and kisses me. "I also packed you a lunch," I say when his lips leave mine, gesturing to the kitchen counter where our two lunch boxes are lined up next to each other. "You're the literal best," he says, taking a sip of the coffee I just put in front of him.

"Busy day today?" He asks, while leaning against the counter. I nod, "Yes, I just got a message that we got an emergency debate starting at eleven." He catches the grim smile on my face and nods as well, "Records?" "Records," I affirm. Those freaking ministerial records. This is going to be an intense day. "So does that mean I can admire you on TV all day long?" he asks, while straightening the collar of my shirt with a faint smile on his face. I shake my head. "No, party leaders only. For now." I answer before finishing the last bit of my toast. I put my plate in the dishwasher and turn on the coffee machine again. "But who knows. There is a good change someone will ask Sigrid to take place next to Rutte as the former foreign minister, because she also said something in that meeting according to the minutes." "Oh I find that hard to imagine," Stefan says with a frown, "Who would do that?" I shrug, watching the milk foam in the milk frother next to the coffee machine. "Plenty of people I think. Ever since this news broke after the elections, the left has been looking for a reason to knee cap us. It wouldn't surprise me if Marijnissen or Jesse would start the debate with it." Huh, Jesse. His name tastes weird in my mouth, as I try my best to not change my facial expression. He cannot know. I almost used his last name but that would have been even more suspicious. Stefan knows we're friends. For fucks sake, he was at our housewarming party last year. Stefan finishes my cappuccino for me and after he hands it to me he starts eating the toast I put out for him. "In that case," he says with his mouth full of breadcrumbs, "wouldn't Jesse give you a heads up?" I raise my eyebrows at him. "Ha ha," I say mockingly, "We're not that close." It takes every bit of willpower in my body to keep my face from turning red, but I think I manage. Quickly I walk to the hallway to get my bag, but also to check my phone. No text from Jesse. Damn it.

"And besides," I continue, as soon as I'm back in the kitchen, "He wouldn't be that stupid." Stefan's puzzled face makes it clear he doesn't understand what I meant. Jokingly I gesture to my knee, pretending to hit it with the side of my hand. "Knee cap," I chuckle. He nods, "Knee cap." With a smile he continues, "Well, you better get to work then. Sounds like it will be a long day." I nod, "Yeah probably."

"Do you need me to bring something by for dinner later?" He asks. Quickly I avoid his gaze. I feel my face turning red. "No no, that's okay." I murmur, while fidgeting with the strap of my bag. So at work, I don't like eating out of the cafeteria because I'm picky about my food and Stefan knows that. Of course he knows, even though I really try to hide it. It's freaking embarrassing, an adult man being fussy about food. "Rob?" Stefan walks over to me, but I don't look up. "Rob?" He asks again, and this time he lifts my chin with his finger so that I have to look at him. His eyes look soft and loving. "Either I bring you something, or you eat dinner there. That's all the options we got. You are not working on an empty stomach again." He says it with a smile, but I can't help feeling offended. "You don't need to belittle me," I say while walking away from him to put my lunch box in my bag. "I know," he answers, "but Rob I care for you."

He follows me around the kitchen and tenderly grabs me by my waist, his eyes are soft again. "Look, you've lost weight again," he says, softly squeezing where my love handles used to be. "I haven't!" I say, a bit louder than I intended to. "Yeah you have!" He answers, still holding me so I can't walk away. "No I haven't," I say again, quieter, avoiding his gaze and instead staring at his shoulder. He is probably right thought. Stefan wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. "You know I can't help caring for you." He says softly. I murmur something affirmative into his shirt. "So," he continues, "just let me know how you are doing and if you want I can bring you something." He lets go of me and walks over to the kitchen cabinet. Without saying a word he pulls out a bag of sweets and puts them in my bag. "For energy," he says, with a wink. "Alright alright," I say with a smile, "But I do have to go now. Have a great day today baby." He nods and bends over to kiss me. His lips are warm and I wrap my arms around him to keep him close a little while longer. With emergency debates like these, who knows how late I'll be home tonight. "Go get 'em hot stuff," Stefan says when he breaks away. "Last night was amazing," he adds, briefly squeezing my ass.

I can't help but laugh while putting on my coat, grabbing my bag and heading for the door. I am one lucky man. 

* And that's chapter 8! Have a great week and don't forget to vote :))

Fyi corona doesn't resist in this AU because I literally can't 

You Robbed My Heart - Jesse Klaver X Rob Jetten AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now