On A Road Trip // preference

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Altaïr - is at the front of the car as the navigator. Feels he is above sitting in the back with the 'children', so he's busy trying to get the GPS to work and calculate traffic delays. He also offers to take the wheel at a pit stop, if you're feeling fatigued.

Ezio - is the one asking 'are we there yet?' every five minutes, even though he knows that you're kilometres away from the destination. His sounds overlapping Jacob's just become white noise. He also whined a lot about not getting to sit in the front seat next to you, the driver. It was a push getting him into a car in the first place, due to his history with them; it was pretty cruel to push him away, but you knew he'd become a distraction.

Connor - is silent by choice and ignoring everyone whatever the cost. He's already figured out that if he shuts up in comparison to the rest, he'll be the one to get ice cream. And so, he relishes in that knowledge until the time arises.

Desmond - is the one yearning to do carpool karaoke and suggests songs every now and then. He gives up asking and connects his phone to the car speakers, jamming out in the middle seat by himself.

Aveline - is the one who over-packed. She prods Connor a lot, mostly to get him to play 'I Spy'. She punches him every time there's a yellow car too, just to provoke him. He doesn't react, so she competes with the other guys in playing 'Yellow Car'.

Arno - is asleep in the back with his travel pillow. If he wakes up, it's to ask for coffee and nothing else. He is one of the most peaceful during the trip.

Jacob - is singing '100 bottles of beer on the wall' relentlessly. At points, he even adds his own ridiculous lyrics for fun. He's battling Ezio at who can wind everyone up first. Nothing will stop him, except maybe a pit stop at McDonald's...

Evie - is researching the destination and its history, or simply reading a novel in the back. She emits a few gasps along the way, probably because of plot twists or new information. She is another one of the quiet blessings on the trip.

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