Frye Twins Preference Catch-up

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Contact names:

Jacob - rook boy 💚

You dedicated his contact name to what you called him the first time you met, you both think it's a fitting name and just rolled with it. He likes to call you 'love 💞' because he knows he can get away with it after hearing Ezio's tales on the dilemma.

Evie - vee 💐

Again, you labelled Evie's contact as your nickname for her. You added the bouquet of flowers beside it, since you discovered her book of pressed flowers that she compiled together with Henry. Evie doesn't waste any time on nicknames for her contacts, so she has just put your name alongside your number.

When you're not at school:

Jacob - is the one leading all the sports competitions. It gives him the 'leadership' opportunities he so desperately craves (he actually just wants all eyes to be on him). He almost forgets you exist, but is reminded very quickly when Arno walks down to join the Rooks on the school field. He interrogates Arno a lot, and once given enough information, he lays off a little. He kind of misses you but he's too afraid to show it.

Evie - wanders off to the library as well. She meets up with Henry and they settle in with a good book, talk about new flowers they've put in the book, or simply study for any exams or assessments that are looming nearer by the day. She messages you in the morning to ask if you are well, then carries on for the rest of the day. She knows she can't do anything about it, so she rearranges her schedule.

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