chapt 2: Istillcan'tthinkofafuckingname

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Aight so last chapter we talked a bit about people.
And trust me, there will be alot of chapters about people.
But for now, lets talk about something else.
Lets talk about education systems.
Now I myself obviously do not know how shit goes on other places in the world.
But lemme tell u one thing, In The Netherlands (and probably ur country too) the education system fucking sucks. Preschool is... well.. thats ok. Bet lets talk about high-school.

People that enroll in highschools are likely in their teens already.
They start to get stubborn and they have a low attention span.
So, someone fucking explain to me. Why I needed to learn how to fucking calculate the angle of a corner of a fucking triangle?? I don't care this fucking triangle is 64 degrees. Angela.
Its so fucking stupid. Highschool is literally filled with classes and information you do NOT wanna fucking know. When will I ever in my life use this technique so I can calculate that. Or when will I ever use the AdVaNceD DuTcH LiTtErAtUrE. I study IT for the fucks of sakes.

Everyone knows most grades in highschool are straight up dogshit.
But lets talk about people again... hehehe I fucking hate people.
Lets talk about the spawn of satan himself. Teachers.
I am willing to bet now, that there is not a SINGLE PERSON on this FUCKING PLANET that is more annoying than fucking teachers. It don't matter what you do.
Even if you are a perfect child. They'll find something you did wrong and absolutely go fucking HAM on you. Why does it have to be so fucking difficult? nO RuNnInG In ThE HaLLwAyS.
Bitch? do you want me to fail my fucking class?
And best thing of all. the moment u enter the fucking classroom too late.
YoU CoUlD HaVe RaN OvEr HeRe. (yes this actually happened to me)

Dude from that day, from that they I realized it.
Teachers like to say. "We want you to succeed" whilst in reality
They just like being fucking annoying.
From that fucking day. I hated school too.
Schools learn you useless grades, useless life lessons.
The only thing they teach you, is to sit in a fucking line.
Shut the fuck up.
And listen to your daddy/mommy.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Weeeerrrrrriiieeeee (credits to u Stephan)
ThIS chAPtEr iS So ShOrT
Stop crying bitch. I'll update this mf actively. (unlike my other projects lmao)
So dw. you'll get more soon :)

With that being said
Have a good day
Or don't

Weerie's view of the world.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora