Chapt 6: self-image

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So ye its been a while since I been here but hold ya fuckin' beers cunt cuz this mf is back!

Today we're gonna talk about self image for a little bit cuz I truly believe some of y'all need it.
In the present day alot of people are being bothered by insecurities regarding their bodies/personalities and oh boy.. trust me... I fuckin' know what being insecure feels like.

I just wanted to tell all of you that you should be proud of yourself, wherever you stand.
Regardless of all the bad that happened, you still manage. You're here and you're better than ever. Follow your hobbies and follow your dreams. You're awesome, and you're doing great friend. Keep it up!

For the people that have insecurities about their appearance. Lemme tell u smth
I, Weerie, am a 19 year old kinda obese man that lacks any truly interesting body attributes like veiny hands, muscular arms, nice tall length, big hands. Etc. (trust me, writing this down fucking sucks). But, that does NOT mean I am a worthless piece of shit that has no chance of making in the world. Yes, you are "less pretty" than others but No, that does not mean you have absolute 0 chance in life.      You will NOT "wow" people the first time you see them, but you damn well know you have the personality of a fucking supermodel and you better use it. Stop being shy and hiding behind your outer shell. Like some famous fucktard once said: "Do not judge a book by its cover". Get out there and show the world you matter, cuz you do, yes, you do, YES YOU FUCKING DO! don't make me convince u even more... YOU FUCKING MATTER YOU FUCK-KJ LAGK;LRJHGST;;

With that being said. Have a good day. 

- Weerie c:

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