chapt 5: Snitches

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Aight, lets talk about the most retarded breed of fucking people. Snitches.
Yk, the kinda peeps that pass thru any little secret you tell to them
Snitches really are able to ruin your fucking life man. Its important you look at who people really are and that you make sure to NOT spend time with the people that are bad for you.

I remember back in highschool I was hella vibin' with this bitch who was like 20cm's taller than me lmaooooo
Anyways, my best friend at the time. (who also turned out to be a fucking idiot)
He deadass told the bitch I liked her. I remember pissing my fucking pants bruhh I was like "well goddamn what the fuck"... Anyways, at the end of the day. I still ended up dating her. And fucking it up like 2 months later xd.

Anyways, the point is. People who fucking snitch, they aint worth nobodies time man.
If you one of the people who fuck up ppl like that, man fuck you
If someone trusts u with a secret you damn well keep that like a secret.

How to deal with snitches you ask?
Simple.. Don't talk to them. Once someone snitches u, you should pack ur bags and leave
Cuz if there is one thing that fucking sucks, it has to be snitches.
Fake personality, hella snitch, thinks he/she mad shit even tho they nothing. Those people stereotypical as hell man. Let em' go. They aren't good for you.
Put yourself in value. You're a good person. You don't deserve wack ass people like them.
Don't forget, you matter, you're important. and don't let ANYONE fuck you over.


- Weerie

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