chapt 7: Teenagers

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Back when I was a teenager (even tho I am 19 so technically still a teenager)
Shit was tuff you know. The time of life when you go through highschool is often seen as one of the most difficult phases of life. And to be honest, for now, I agree.

The one thing that bothers most people around these ages is the opinion of other students.
You always want to dress up the best you have, look the best u have, and hide and flaws cuz people will definitely call you out for it. Now honestly this process is seen as "normal" these days, but I personally dislike the idea of normalizing this. People that stand out a little bit (like me, xd fatboy struggles) get completely fucked in highschool. But I can assure you. There is no need to be worrying about it.

See as you grow older, things in your life change. Including the people around you.
You need to understand that the best makeup, clothes, jewelry or whatever u name it. is confidence.

Be proud of yourself, you do NOT need to compete with the instagram models that look absolutely perfect with no flaws, cuz for that sole reason they are influencers.

You matter, and your appearance does not define how much of a good person you are.
Keep your head up high and your chin up. Don't let people break you cuz you, just like anyone else. Have talents and a beautiful personality <3

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