Chapt 9: Growing up

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Whatsup boys n girl, we're back with another chapter (finally, I know) 

Today I wanna talk about growing up, considering the fact that I myself are close to turning twenty one years old and have recently started my full-time job.
(recently being 5 months ago lmao)

At some point in your life, you're gonna grow up. Whether you like it or not.
And for some people growing up is a really scary thing. Others look forward to it.
I have to admit, I myself did not look forward to it at all. Sometimes I still wish I could go back to the school days. But, realizing you are working for something whilst at school is for some if not most people very difficult.

If you are one of those people that struggles with understanding why they exactly need education, I hope to give you a fresh view of life.

See, the thing is, school isn't useless after all.
Yes, the math you're never gonna use ever again in your life kinda sucks
And yes, who the fuck needs French class? I certainly didn't.
There is one major good thing about school though.
It prepares you to be consistent and gives you the ability to try new things/subjects.
When I first started work, I actually noticed and felt how similar it feels to school.
You wake up early and you don't even wanna go in the first place.
The thing is tho, a job (depending on if you got a job you actually like) is something that you're interested in.
For me personally, I've always been a tech guy, a computer person.
And now that I work at the IT helpdesk, I noticed things that could be considered a grind or something stupid are fairly easy to complete because it fits with the subject that I personally enjoy.

All I'm tryna say is, don't feel bad about getting a job, getting your own bills to pay, etc.
Bills suck, Work sucks, Taxes suck, Paying for your own shit sucks.
Until you realize, that finally, you are truly doing something for yourself. Your own personal progression.

It feels rewarding, to finish school and do something you actually enjoy.
Doesn't matter if you make more or less than other people, at least you do what you like.
Adult life isn't so bad after all..

WoA DiD WeEriE JuSt WriTe SoMeThInG PoSiTiVe?!?!!!11111
Yea, well, don't get used to it.
But I thought, I refreshing chapter always does the trick.

Are you looking forward to adult life? let me know :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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