chapt 4: Problems

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Aight, so lets talk abt some different shit.
Lets talk for a bit about stuff every single person on this stupid fucking planet has to go through.
P r o b l e m s ✨

Honestly, lately stuff hasn't been going that well for me.
Now, as much as I'd like to. I'm not that fond of sharing my entire life through a stupid book on the internet. But, trust me when I say its been rough.

One thing I've noticed is that especially early teens seem to have difficulties understanding their problems and finding a way to deal with it. Sooooo, if you are one of those people. I hope this chapter can help you a little bit.

As stupid as it might sound, accepting your issues is the #1 way of getting over it.
You can't solve everything, you're not a fucking god.
And of course you have to solve your issues, but you can't solve your problems if you're not ready to put it aside and think about it first. Instead of instantly trying to get rid of it. Sitting down and just giving it a place can really help you understand your situation and increase your chances of possibly getting over it.

Accepting that not everything can be solved in the matter of 0.3 fucking milliseconds is a great skill to have ngl. But trust me, it will help you. If you understand yourself, you can use that knowledge to figure out the best solution for you :)
Trust me, there will be a end to whatever that is bothering you right now.

Besides all that, keep your head up bro. Weerie knows u got it.
Better days will come.  So stop fucking crying and go get 'em out there.
Don't make your life more difficult than it has to be.
You'll all do great and I know y'all gonna make it :)))

Weerie's view of the world.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora