Chapt 8: Emotions

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Aight boiz, so you know how sometimes. J-just sometimes.. shit gets a little too much.
Or that just, sometimes. you don't really know what to do with a certain person or whatever.
u see, feelings are absolutely fucked. Its so easy to say this and that about other people their relationship(s) or mental state but the second its about yourself it is REALLY but I mean REALLY fucking difficult.

So, I am not tryna say all of you are little crybabies
But! it is okay to let your emotions go once in a while. for me, personally. the #1 way to feel better is to sit down, relax for a bit, rest your head, and just THINK
Most people don't think, they get so mad or sad they cry about shit that in the end doesn't even matter. which, again, is alright. but for those suffering from mental problems right now.
Just sit down, look at yourself. and think. Why, and what is is exactly causing me to feel this way.

Now sometimes. You really do not know why you are sad. and that is just fine ofc.
Cuz let me tell u smth, its alright to be sad. its good for you if you feel really bad with yourself and just cry for whatever reason. Sometimes, its just one of those days. and there is nothing wrong with that! 

Be aware though! do NOT take out your emotions against other people! unless you wanna see faces like the picture below :))

Thanks folks! 

- Weerie

- Weerie

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