Chapter 3

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The next day⛅

⚡Flash's POV⚡

Princess Twilight was in the library again reading, Then, I came in and said. "May I get a book for myself to read Princess?" "Yes, you may, and you can come here anytime you like to get some books to read for yourself. And from now on you shall call me Twilight". I said lightly. "But you are a Princess". I argued.

"I like my friends to call me Twilight, and you are my friend. And no excuses, princess orders". I said sternly." Yes, Princ-- I mean Twilight". he said nervously. "May we read together again?" She asked. "Sure". I said. As we read on I started to like her, she looked so pretty, beautiful I got some feeling inside that we should be together forever.

2 hours later...

🎆Twilight's POV🎆

It was almost bedtime when I saw Flash standing in the hallway next to my room. I kissed him on the cheek as he blushed bright red. His face was shocked, as I went into my room and found a rose on my bed with an envelope with a letter inside saying: Will you be my Marefriend? from your secret admirer.

Who is my secret admirer? Do I even have a secret admirer? I thought as I levitated both items to the table next to my bed, as I drifted off to sleep.

The next day...

I asked some servants about the letter and the rose on my bed last night but all of them said they did not see anyone get in the princess's room in that hour. The whole day I was trying to find out who my secret admirer was.

At 8 pm after I raised the moon I went to my room and found Flash standing outside my door. I asked him to come inside for a quick talk and I asked him." Do you know who wrote this letter and gave me this rose?" " Yes, Twilight". he said as he blushed. "Who is it?" I said. Flash blushed bright red and said softly" It was me, I wrote the letter and gave you the rose". I gaped in delight. "Yes, I would love to be your marefriend!" As I blushed bright red as well.

⚡Flash's POV⚡

I can't believe I asked the Ruler of Equestria to be my marefriend, I was so excited. Then Shining Armor just walked passed and gave me an angry look then said sternly. " DO NOT ask my sister to be your marefriend or do anything romantic. You should be serving Equestria as a guard not falling in love with my sister".

"Yes, boss". I said sadly. as Shining Armor finally walked past, then I heard a sobbing sound, I turned around a corner and saw Twilight crying on the ground. What happened to Twilight? I worried, I knew exactly what happened. "Shining Armor won't let us date and he yelled at me".she said. I sighed and said. "He yelled at me too, he said I should be serving Equestria, not falling in love. I am sorry Princess, I should not have sent the letter and the rose and asked you to be my date, then we will not be in trouble. I was going to invite you to dance with me at the gala but now we can't. I am very sorry Princess". As I started to walk away slowly.

She said sadly." No, it is my fault. I should have not told my brother we are dating. then we will still be friends". Then Princess Cadence trotted next to us and said." Sorry, Shining Armor has been very mean to you two. He has been really stressed lately. I should tell him to stop being mean and be nicer to you two so you can be together again".

💙Cadence's POV💙

I was trotting in the hall of the castle to find my husband. Then I saw him eating an apple in the dining room. I told him to come to my room to have a word with me. Then, I said, "Shining Armor, why did you not let Flash date your little sister?" "Because I don't want her to get hurt". said Shining Armor. " Why? She is the ruler of Equestria and she has grown up already!" I was trying to reason with him but he was so protective about Twilight, he did not care about Twilight's feelings. Then he made me mad and I rushed out of the room, offended.

That night, Shining Armor came back knocking on the door with flowers then he gave them to me, then I said sternly. "That is not for me, it is for someone you have hurt this afternoon". Then I shut the door loudly.

🌟Shining armor's POV🌟

I went to find Flash and knocked on his door and said." Flash, I know you have had a crush on Twilight and I am trying to say that I will let you date my little sister will you forgive me?". Flash came and said. "Is fine that you dislike me to date Twilight and is fine". " Do it for Twilight, not me". Then I gave the flowers to Flash and I said. "Give it to your marefriend she needs it".

🎆Twilight"s POV🎆

I was on my bed crying my heart out when I heard footsteps approach my room and someone knocked and I said from my pillow. "Come in". It was Flash, he approached my bed he said softly. "It is ok you don't need to cry". He started to stroke my mane lightly. Then I sat up and he gave me some flowers and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I started to blush and I stared at him, he was the stallion of my dreams.

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