Nightly Terrors and What the Hell!

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A/N: hey guys! Sorry that I haven't been updating but I've been really busy with school and music so I agent been able to update! So here's a new chapter that I hope you guys enjoy! WARNING: Swearing and some violence. Make sure to comment and follow me- and I'm ranting... I'll shut up now and let you read the actual story! Hope u enjoy! :D
Jeff POV
I'm soooooo bored!!! Every since Fiona and the others fell asleep we've been so bored! (We=creepypastas). "Can we go kill something?" BEN asked. "Hey! That's not a bad idea!" You exclaimed. "Ok buy what are we going to kill?" Asked Lui. "Hmmm... How about a pack of wolves?" Smile suggested. "Ok...lets go!" BEN exclaimed. We got up quickly, changed into our creepypasta forms, and ran off to find a pack of wolves.
Yay! We were finally doing something! It's just a pack of wolves but it's still something! We ran to find a pack of wolves. I'm so happy right now-wait. What if our new friends find out we're creepypastas!!??? They won't like us anymore or worse! "Guys! What if our new friends find out about this?" I asked. They all stopped in their tracks and slowly looked back at me. "Oh...that completely slipped my mind." Lui said. "*sigh* I guess that clues killing out.." Jeff mumbles. We walk back to the treehouse without a word when suddenly Jeff stops abruptly with the look of shock on her face.
Jeff's (your) POV
We were walking back to the treehouse disappointed when I see a knife fly past me and stab into a tree. I went to to investigate the knife stuck in the trees and realize who it belongs to. Only one person has a knife like this...Jane the killer (gender-bent jane the killer)
I growled and pocketed the knife. No need for everyone to get worked about about jane. So kept on walking like nothing happened though you suspect that Jane was following you. "Hey, guys. Would it be ok if I went to go clear my mind and walk around a bit?" I asked. They looked at each other and shrugged. "Just remember to change into our human form, wouldn't want you to get caught!" Lui said as they all changed into their human forms. I nodded and walked towards the direction the knife came from. I started to think about Jane and got pretty angry. I was so angry that I started to think malicious thoughts...mostly about ripping jane to pieces (lol). I kept walking and stopped abruptly (again) when I spotted jane looking at me with a malicious look on his face. Shit.
Lui's POV
We kept walking after Jeff left, but we couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go terribly wrong. I kept glancing over my shoulder for any sign of danger. "Stop worrying so much Lui!" BEN said,"Jeff is strong enough to handle herself!" He exclaimed. I sighed. "your right BEN but I can't shake the feeling that something terrible is going to happen." I said. BEN and Smile looked at each other and sighed. Smile turned to me and said "Look, we are at the treehouse and we don't want to worry our new friends so can at least try not to look so anxious?" He said. I sighed again and complied. 'I just hope Jeff knows what she is doing!' I thought worriedly.
Jeff (your) POV
'Shit shit shit shit shit shit! I thought I lost- that BEN? Damn it! I ran in the wrong direction! Well at least I didn't- is that the treehouse? Goddamnit! This is not my day.' I turned the corner and jumped into a bush in an effort to lose Jane. Which I did, I'm so awesome! Anyways, I saw BEN and the others chasing Jane. I quickly tripped BEN and dragged him into the bushes. He was too busy flipping his shit to notice me. Seriously, It took like 5 minutes for him to realize who I was. '*sigh* this kid' I thought.
I quickly explained everything to them. Lui and Smile got there after BEN finished flipping his shit. We sat there trying to think of a way to stop Jane. Smile then said something that shocked us all "Didn't Jane run in the direction of the treehouse?" We all froze, then ran quickly towards the treehouse. When we got there, we realized that Jane was waiting infront of the treehouse waiting for us. I told Lui and the other two to stay there while I took care of Jane. I walked towards Jane with a smirk on my face. Oh! Did I mention that I'm taller, stronger, and smarter than Jane? "You are really going to start following me into different dimensions now? Pathetic." I said. Jane glared up at me and snarled. "Fine. Fine. If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get." I said smirking. We walked out farther from the treehouse and got into fighting positions. 'Well, this should be fun' I thought smiling.
Fiona's POV (a few minutes earlier)
We woke up and found that our new friends were gone! We started freaking out thinking that the ice queen had kidnapped them, but quickly calmed down when we found the note that Lui left for us when we woke up. (Lui left the note when you walked out the door) We went on to our normal routine. I looked out the window to see Jeff, Lui, Smile, and BEN standing infront of the forest with a annoyed expression on their faces. We all gathered around the window and watched as Jeff walked towards the door. We then saw her walk a little bit away from the house with a complete stranger that looked a lot like her. What surprised us most was when they got into a fighting stance. "We gotta help her!" I exclaimed. I grabbed my sword and ran out the door with the other on my tail (it's an expression, LOOK IT UP!). We ran or floated foward in Marshall's case. We stopped when we saw Jeff's shocked expression. 'What is going on?!' We All thought.
Jeff's (your) POV
A/N: Hey guys, I'm so so so so so so so so so very sorry that I haven't been updating. I've had many things to do and I'll try to update sooner in the future. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Oh! And for all those Finn fans out there, Finn will come in the later chapters! Until next time!

It's Creepy Time! (Adventure Time and Creepypasta Crossover) Marshall lee x reader x prince Gumball x FinnWhere stories live. Discover now